Chapter 14

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Karins pov

It's Friday today. If you don't know what that means let me fill you in! Tryouts were Monday so today is the day that the squad gets released. I know I've been captain for 2 years now but that doesn't guarantee my spot on the team.

I leave my bag inside my locker and walk with my hands shoved into my pockets towards the notice board. It's only a few minutes walk away so it doesn't take that long to get there.

I scan my eyes over the list of 23 players. Up and down each column until I finally see it printed in the middle of the second list of names, a smile begins to creep it's way onto my face. And of course right beside it is a (C) which means I've been nominated as captain again this year.

Classes start in about 10 minutes so I quickly head to the bathroom before going back to my locker to retrieve my bag. The bell had rung when I was on my way to my locker so the hallways were empty as everyone was in class.

I start walking to my next class which is Pe. As I was walking to the locker rooms someone came up behind me and pinned me to the lockers.

"Listen here King, stay the fuck away from Sam or you'll regret that you ever came to this school" Jess spat. "Sam is my friend Jess" I said simply. "Does it look like I care you idiot" she said and gave me a swift jab into my ribs before walking in the opposite direction.

I am not going to lie, that shit hurt. Mostly because I wasn't expecting her to do that. But then again it's Jess so what did I expect. I regain my composure and continue my walk to the locker room.

When I get in there no one but Sam is there. Weirdly enough she's already fully dressed and looked like she was waiting on me? I stay silent and get my clothes out of my bag.

I pull my shirt up over my head and hear a gasp, I turn around and look at  Sam who looks mortified. "What?" I question her. "What happened to your side" she rushed over to me.

"Ask Jess I'm sure she'll be happy to explain" I said with a hint of anger in my voice. "She did this to you?" Sam whispered under her breath. She was now crouched down and inspecting the bruise that Jess had left, very lightly one of Sams fingers put pressure on it causing me to flinch.

She looked up "sorry" she mumbled averting her attention back to my injury. "Sam it's fine nothing I haven't dealt with before" I said at. That was a two meaning sentence. I've dealt with bullies doing this and of course my dad.

But my dad doesn't hit me really hard like Jess does. He isn't that bad. "Karin this is pretty big, does it hurt?" She asked. "Yeah obviously it does" I retorted. She rolled her eyes and gently took her hands off my body. I quickly pull my T-shirt over my head.

"Let's get out of here" Sam said grabbing her bag. "Why" I replied. "Because your hurt" she said. "Just come on" she grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the locker room.

I was lead out to the parking lot. "Give me your keys" she demanded. "I'm not letting you drive Kylie" I huffed. "Wait you named your car" she started laughing. "Yes and keep laughing and your banished from her" I said seriously, causing her laughing to come to an abrupt stop.

She purses her lips trying to hide the silly smile on her face. "Just get in" I chuckled. She nodded her head gladly and got in the passenger seat. "So where to?" I questioned her. "Anywhere" she shrugged her shoulders. "Ok" I reverse my car out of its spot and tear out of the parking lot.

We've just been driving around town for a while. Windows rolled down, air con on and a nice breeze from the wind in our faces. Life is good. "Do you mind if I put some music on" I questioned Sam. "Nope" she replied popping the p.

I pulled over to the side of the road and plugged the aux cord into my phone. After a minute or two of scrolling through my music I decided on my Noah Kahan playlist. His music is so good!

The song Busyhead began playing. The light strumming of the acoustic guitar just went so well with his voice, and the beat of the drums in the back round just made it even better. His lyrics in his songs are so relatable too and are quite catchy.

"You like this song" Sam asked me. "Yeah" I said with a shy smile. "Yeah, I can tell" she laughed softly. "Mind if I go somewhere with a change of scenery?" I questioned her. "Sure" she replied simply.

I took the car off onto an old dusty tarmac lane. "Your not going to murder me are you" she joked. "Yes. Yes I am" I said staring at her blankly. And just to freak her out even more I locked the doors and put the windows up.

"Karin what the fuck let me out!" She started squealing. "No" I said in a low voice. "OPEN THE FUCKING CAR NOW" she screamed. "Sam chill I'm messing with you" I chuckled unlocking the doors.

"Your such a god damned bitch" she huffed back in her chair. "Sorry your just too gullible" I laughed again. "Shut up" she whined. A small smile crept onto her face.

"Come on doofus follow me" I got out of the car. We walked up a small hill and sat down. "The view up here is so beautiful" Sam stated. "So are you" I mumbled under my breath. "What sorry I didn't hear you" Sam said. "Oh uh nothing never mind" I laughed nervously. "Ok" she brushed it off. We sat for a while, no talking just taking in the view.

"Let's get you back to school, before Jess is on my ass again" I joked. We walked back down to my car and drove back to school. And guess who was there awaiting our arrival.

Ding! Ding! Ding! You are correct if your answer was Jess. I get out of my car, already prepared for the verbal and probably physical abuse I was about to get. "If your gonna hit me do it already" I stood with my eyes closed and my face scrunched up getting ready to embrace the punch.

And pop. There it was. Square in the nose is where she got me. I fell backwards into the ground hitting my head on impact. And you know how these stories go, I knocked myself unconscious.

But it was only for a mere few minutes. Wasn't too bad of a fall to keep me out for long. I sit up, a wave of dizziness hits me before I look around at my surroundings confused.

I wipe my nose with the back of my hand to come to realisation of what just happened. The fucking pussy actually had the balls to hit me. I stood up quickly and pinned her against the parking lot wall by the collar of her shirt.

"Hit me again Lopez!" I screamed in her face. "Go on hit me" I set her back down. "Karin what are you doing" Sam said confused. "Hit me!" I yelled one last time backing away slightly before I took off and charged straight at Jess.

I tackled her to the floor took one swing and got back up again. For Sams sake one punch was all I gave her. Even though she deserved way more than that.

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