Capture Target: Greyson Wright

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Kate sat in front of her computer slowly sipping her drink as she played, 'When Flowers Bloom'. It was a game that centered around the romantic conquest of four male characters. It was fairly new, but a vast majority of her female classmates liked to talk about it.

Kate didn't really like playing those types of games but because everyone she knew was playing it, she decided to play it too. It would be a horrible experience if they brought it up as a topic of conversation and she didn't know how to reply.

The player took over the role of a young, common-born teenager named Lily, who has limitless potential.

The game had four capture targets, ranging from easy to very hard.

Lennon Blinthe is the easiest target to capture. He comes from a family of low ranking barons and he has no fiance, so the player has no one to compete against for his affections. It is very easy to achieve his 'best' ending because all the player has to do is max out his affection bar.

Wyatt La Tella is the second easiest target to capture, with a difficulty ranking of medium. Although he does not come from a family with noble lineage, his father is a high ranking mage. Unlike the first capture target, Wyatt does have a fiance, however they don't have a good relationship, so it's rather easy to drive a wedge between them. To achieve Wyatt's 'best' ending, the player needs to max out his affection bar and have a high score on all magic related skills.

Greyson Wright is the third capture target, with a difficulty ranking of hard. He comes from a family of high standing dukes, yet he doesn't have a fiance. Unlike Lennon, his lack of a fiance is one of the many things that makes his route difficult. In the game there are many high ranking females who will use any means to win his favor, including competing against and discrediting the player. It is also in this route that Catrina makes her first appearance. To achieve Greyson's 'best' ending, the player has to max out his affection bar and also have high scores on skills ranging from politics to swordsmanship.

Lucas Roman is the forth capture target, with the highest difficulty. He is the crown prince and fiance of the infamous Catrina Veltina. His route is incredibly difficult, it takes much more than maxing out his affection bar to achieve the 'best' ending. In fact, simply maxing out his affection bar, will at best, earn the player the 'neutral' ending. The biggest barrier in achieving the 'best' ending in his route is Catrina Veltina, who will continuously challenge the player once she realizes the player's intention towards her fiance.

At the moment Kate was in the middle of completing Greyson Wright's route. This was her third time trying to complete his route, she found it difficult to find a balance between maxing out the required skills while also trying to max out his affection bar. It didn't help that Greyson had very few dialogue lines, which made his character a bit boring to talk to

After continuously losing affection points, Kate simply decided to search up the correct choices.

Inside the stadium, thousands of voices can be heard as countless students cheer for the students on stage. In a moment of curiosity, Lily decided to walk over and have a look, however, before she could enter she spotted Greyson Wright sitting near the entrance.

What should she do?

Approach him<=

Enter the stadium

Lily approaches Greyson and delicately sits next to him.

"Why are you sitting here, don't you want to go watch the match?" Lily questions.

Greyson remains quiet.

What should she do?

Stop talking

Continue talking<=

Change the subject

"I heard your cousin is one of the participants, she's incredibly talented. It must be nice being related to her, you have your own personal sparring partner," Lily mused.

"Not particularly."

"What do you mean?" Lily questioned.

Greyson sighed, "Catrina and I haven't been on good terms for a long time."

Urge him to continue

Quietly listen<=

Attempt to change conversation

"We had a fight that we never recovered from."

"A fight? A physical fight?" Lily questioned.

"No." said Greyson, it doesn't seem like he plans on continuing.

What should she do?

Urge him to continue<=

Advise him to make up with her

Attempt to change conversation

"Go on." Lily prompted gently, "Maybe talking about it will make you feel better."

Player affection bar has been deemed high enough to successfully carry out this option

"She broke my sword and I broke my promise," Greyson sighed, "Things haven't been the same between us since."

"Have either of you tried apologizing?" Lily questioned.

"For once, just once," Greyson stressed, "I wanted her to be the one to take the initiative to apologize."

Encourage him to make peace with Catrina<=

Console him

Try to cheer him up

Lily sighed, "I don't think that's going to happen. If she was going to apologize, she would have done so already. Maybe you should just take the higher road and apologize to her."

"No." Greyson shook his head, "At this point, it's about more than just an apology."

"But if you don't do anything your relationship will never change."

Greyson stared at the stadium, "Then I guess that's how it's meant to be."

Kate sighed as she studied the screen where the dialogue laid before her. Although she found it a bit hard to relate to Greyson as a person, her heart still hurt for him. As a character, he had very few friends, and he often spent most of his time alone.

She really didn't understand what Greyson was thinking. If it was her and Catrina was replaced with Kennedy, she would have apologized in a heartbeat, even if Kennedy was the one in the wrong.

"He must be very lonely..." Kate said softly.

Of course, Kate wouldn't know what it felt like. Although her sister wasn't home often, Kate was always surrounded by people in school. There was no way she could feel lonely.

That's how it works?


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