Chapter 17

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"Catrina.." Catina hesitantly called out as she watched her older sister violently wack the training dummy in front of her.

"What?" Catrina grunted as she continued to swing her wooden sword.

"Are you perhaps still angry with mother?" Catina asked softly as she bit her lip.

Catrina sighed, pausing to wipe the sweat from her forehead with her sleeves. "At this point I'm just angry, it's not even about mother anymore."

"Ah?" Catina tilted her head. "Then why are you still.." Catina trailed off as she gestured to the badly battered training dummy.

Catrina rolled her eyes, "I'm still angry, just not at mother."

"Then who are you angry with?" Catrina questioned with furrowed brows.

"That stupid king obviously," Catrina spat out, "Who does he think he is? He just says I should marry his son and that's the end of it?"

"Catrina!" Catina exclaimed, quickly rushing closer to block her sister's mouth. "Mother said you can't say things like that." 

Catrina dropped her sword, using her now empty hands to pry Catina's fingers off her lips, "Well mother says a lot of things, and I don't always listen now do I?"

Catina sighed and stepped away from her sister, "Rina please, our tutor says bad things happen to those who speak of royalty in such a way."

Catrina huffed, but didn't say anything else. 

"Maybe it won't be so bad, he's a prince, he must be very charming." Catina said as a light blush coated her cheeks.

"Not if he's anything like his father." Catrina rolled her eyes.

"You don't know his father though." Catina pointed out thoughtfully.

"I know enough from all those boring history lessons we're always forced to take." Catrina said casually as she picked back up her wooden sword, swinging it lightly.


"Hey.." Catrina said softly, "Do you ever wonder if... if..ugh never mind." Catrina groaned.

Catina tilted her head quizzically. 

Catrina waved her hand, beckoning her over. 

"Have you ever wondered if you could do more?" Catrina questioned quietly as she bit her lip.

"Do more?" Catina's eyebrows furrowed. 

"Well, you know how mother's in charge of the fief? Well after talking with a few of father's soldiers I found out that it's a very unusual thing." Said Catrina.

"It is? I thought the land was a gift to her from grandfather since father didn't own any land of his own?" Catina questioned.

"It is, but that's not something that normal families do." Catrina bit out.

"Normal families.." Catina mumbled softly.

"So, yeah, mother's weird apparently, but that's not my point."

Catina stared.

"I always thought that when I was older that I would join the army and eventually become a general like father." 

Catrina nodded, it wasn't the first time that Catrina had mentioned something like this.

"But I was wrong." Catrina frowned. 

Catina stared.

"Are you dumb?!" Catrina asked angrily as she flicked Catina's forehead. "Since I'm going to marry the prince, I can't become a soldier!"

Catina's mouth flew open as the dots finally connected in her head.

"Geez Tina, I thought you were supposed to be the smart one."

Catina flushed.

Catrina used her free hand to rub her face, "I thought that since mother was able to..that I would be too, but now it's over before anything even started."

Catina rubbed her sister's back, she didn't know what to say.

"You can still practice sword fighting, but you just cant-"

"Use it?" Catrina said as she bit her lips in anger.


"What about you?" Catrina asked.

"What about me?" 

Catrina huffed, "Isn't there anything you want to do?"

"Well.." Catina bit the inside of her cheek, "I always thought that I would help mother with the fief, or maybe I'd join the Association Of Magic."

The Association of Magic was a huge organization made up of only the most skilled magic users. It was independent of any kingdom and it's members only moved with the intention of improving the way magic is used. 

"Good luck with that" Catrina grunted.

Drawing Catrina into a hug, Catina rubbed her back soothingly, "Don't worry Rina, No matter what happens, I'll be there with you."

Catrina only sighed as she returned the hug.

Author's note: I'm not really sure if I got across what I was trying to say in this chapter. I hope I didn't confuse anyone. Also, sorry that I don't update that often, but I have made it my new year's resolution to update one of my books at least once a week!! Anyways I've literally never finished a book because I always sort of chicken out or delete my book because I don't think it's good enough. That being said, I would love it if you left comments saying what you thought about the chapter or how you think I can improve it. 

Thank you for reading.

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