Chapter 8

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Catrina stared out the carriage window in excitement as she took in the various stalls and performers crammed into the market square.

"Is it always so lively?" Catina asked curiously.

"No." Logan chuckled heartily, "The circus is in town today." 

"The circus?" Catrina questioned back.

"They're a group of performers." Logan paused before adding, "Your mother thought it would be a thrilling experience for you two."

"This is the first time I've heard of them." Catina added as she stared out the carriage window.

"It's not often they pass through here. They spend most of the year stationed in the neighboring country Klein." Logan answered.

The carriage suddenly slowed to a stop, confusing Catina and Catrina.

"Why are we stopping? We're still quite far away from all the exciting things." Catrina questioned, as she leaned out the window, confirming that they were indeed quiet far away from most of the performances.

"The streets are packed Catrina, can't risk any accidents." Logan answered as he opened the carriage door and got out. He then lifted Catrina and Catina out of the carriage, making sure to have a firm hold on their hands, as they began walking. 

At first the two were somewhat nervous since it was their first time walking in such a dense crowd, but as they continued walking their attention slowly diverted to the various displays of artifacts and the excessive use of magic.

"I didn't know magic could be used in such an dramatic way!" Catrina exclaimed as she pointed towards the man breathing fire.

Catina nodded her head in agreement, "Compared to how Father uses magic, it does seem a bit excessive." 

Logan rolled his eyes, "That's because I'm not a performer Catina."

"Yeah." Catrina agreed, "Performers are actually fun to watch."

Logan released Catrina's hand momentarily to ruffle her hair. "Spare me the sass sweetheart."

 Catrina and Catina giggled in sync, causing the smile on Logan's face to widen. 

"Ah!" Catrina exclaimed as she pointed to the man, who was breathing fire moments ago, "He's leaving!" Turing to Logan, Catrina pulled on his hand and pointed in the direction he was going, "Can we go talk to him?"

Logan turned to Catina, about to ask her opinion, when he was met with her silent pleading stare. Sighing softly, Logan nodded and began leading them in the direction of the performer.

After getting the stranger's attention, it didn't take long for him to agree to indulge his daughters by answering a few questions. The man's name was Cole, he was fairly short, and had unruly brown hair and hazel eyes.

"You must have an amazing affinity with fire! You were able to breathe so much flame." Catrina immediately praised.

Cole chuckled slightly, "Actually, I'm not very compatible with fire." He paused slightly before adding, "But I do have a strong affinity with earth." 

Catrina gazed at him in disbelief, "But your fire..."

"My fire might have been big and flashy, but it doesn't contain any heat." Cole laughed, "Otherwise I probably wouldn't have been given permission to use fire magic in such a large crowd." 

Twisting her hair around her fingers, Catina silently worked up the courage to ask a question, "If you have a strong affinity with earth, why did you use fire?"

Cole shrugged, "It's all about pleasing the crowd."   

As she continued to twist her hair, Catina asked, "Don't you feel exhausted, using an element you're not compatible with?"

"My mana pool is bigger than the average citizen's." He chuckled, before glancing down at the contraption on his wrist, "Well, that's all the time I can spare. Make sure you have fun today kids, who knows when the circus will be back in town."

After saying his piece, he swiftly departed, leaving the twins staring in the direction he left.

"That was a bit unexpected." Catrina said laughing slightly as she turned towards Catina.

"A lot of things that happened today was unexpected Rina." Catina stated, a small smile gracing her lips.

"Yes." Catrina agreed as she grabbed a hold of Catina's hand, "In memory of this unexpected day, we should go shopping for cool artifacts." 

Catina frowned slightly. "We didn't bring any money, did we?"

Catrina's eyebrows furrowed as she looked towards their father, who was just silently staring at them. "Did you bring money father?"

Logan raised a brow, "And what if I did?"

Catrina huffed, "Is this how you're going to treat your beloved daughters?"

Logan's eyes narrowed slightly, "I can't help but wonder where you got this attitude from." 

Catrina pursed her lips, "Mother said I got it from you."

Logan snorted, "I highly doubt that."

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