Chapter 1

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Sadness and helplessness.

They were the only emotions that coursed through Kate's body as she stared fixedly at the pieces of broken china scattered across the floor.

Hesitantly, she looked up at the face at her regretful nephew and couldn't find it in herself to release her pent up emotions on him.

She knew that he didn't purposefully break her favorite cup, but that didn't make the pain of losing it easier to swallow. It was one of the few items she treasured, and she couldn't believe she had lost it so easily.

"I'm sorry Aunt Kate, I didn't mean to." He whispered, clearly afraid that she would be angry with him.

Kate took a deep breath as she forced back her tears, "I know you didn't, go watch some t.v, I'm going to clean this up."

He stared at her for a few seconds before leaving the kitchen.

After Kate was done picking up the broken pieces of the floor, she made sure to vacuum, she didn't want anyone stepping on any broken pieces of glass. When she was sure that there weren't any pieces left, she hoisted her school bag onto her shoulders and made her way up to her bedroom.

"You're not going to school?" Her nephew, James, questioned hesitantly.

"I-I'm not feeling so well." Kate replied softly.

James didn't question her any further, so Kate retreated to her room.

Even though Kate felt like she was overreacting, she couldn't help the terrible feeling that enveloped her chest. She didn't know whether she was truly upset about the cup being broken, or whether she was upset about something else.

She knew she shouldn't skip school over something so minor, but she really couldn't feel the motivation to go. What would be the point? It wasn't like she had friends to see, she was also completely caught up on all her work. She felt that even if she stayed away for a day or two, her absence wouldn't cause trouble.

Later in the afternoon, her older sister came home and took James to the park. She had invited Kate, but her invitation was declined. Kate typically didn't like going out, even more so, when she was in a terrible mood.

Maybe she held so many negative thoughts that she accumulated too much bad karma, because later that day, Kate's house was robbed and she was shot in the process.

The events happened to fast for a coward like Kate to prepare, before she had even registered what was happening, she was shot.

Even on her death bed, her mind was prevailed with negative thoughts.

She couldn't help but feel regret.

She couldn't believe that this was how she was going to die, that this was the end.

She couldn't help but wish she had spent more time with the little family she had left.

Wish that she had put more effort into making friends.

Wish that she had told her sister just how much she appreciated all the things that was done for her.

"Is this how death is supposed to be? Consumed with regret and fear?"

"When my parents died, did they also feel this way?"

"Did they regret not staying home that night?"

"Did they regret driving on an icy road?"

"Did they regret anything at all? Or was it that I lived such a gloomy life that I'm the only one who feels regretful."

If Kate had to be honest, she never liked the way she acted, she was weak and indecisive. She always welcomed the day she would die with open arms, but now that she was actually dying, she felt fear.

Because the truth was, she didn't want to die.

As her vision slowly dimmed Kate hoped that if she had the chance to live again, that she would live a life she wouldn't regret.

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