Chapter 19

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 As Catina spotted her uncle's estate in the distance, she couldn't help but sigh in relief. The carriage ride was rather long since he lived in the capital, and the only thing she could do to relieve her boredom was read.  

There was also the option of talking to her sister, but Catrina couldn't stand long carriage rides, so as soon as they'd gotten onto the carriage, she decided to take a nap and had been unresponsive since. 

After passing through the estate gates, Catina decided it would be best to wake Catrina before the carriage stopped, that way Catrina would have a few minutes to clear her head before greeting their aunt and cousin.

"Rina...wake up, we're almost there." Said Catina as she gently shook her sister, but Catrina only groaned and didn't wake up.

Catina tried waking Catrina up a few more times with no success. It was then that she was struck with what she thought was a great idea.

Catina stiflied her giggles as she drew in a deep breath and then she screamed as loud as she could.

The carriage lurched and came to a stop in the same moment that Catrina flew up from her seat in a panic. 

"Wha-what happened?" Catrina questioned anxiously as she subconsciously wiped the drool from the corner of her mouth. 

Catina giggled, but before she could answer there was a knock on the carriage door.

"Is everything alright in there?" The voice was rough and bit stern, it was probably one of the knights who were responsible for guarding the carriage.

Catrina, still in a somewhat defensive posture, turned to look at Catina, her gaze questioning.

Catina flushed, due to a mixture of guilt, amusement, and embarassment. 

"Ah.. yes, I was just trying to wake my sister up." Catina's voice softened towards the end of her sentence as her embarassment finally overpowered her other emotions, "Please excuse me for causing a commotion."

It was quiet for a moment, before the knight finally responded and then the carriage continued moving. 

For the rest of the ride Catrina continued to tease Catina, whether she did it out of revenge or boredom, only she knows. 

After arriving they were warmly welcomed by Greyson, his mother Penelope, and a few of the maids who resided in the mansion. After chatting with Penelope for a few minutes, the twins were shown the way to their room, where they changed into something more suitable for indoors. 

Afterwards they met up with Greyson, who, since their meeting, had moved to the drawing room and was immersed in reading. 

Seeing them enter, Greyson closed the book and led them to the sitting area where there were a few snacks laid out on the table.

Catrina grinned as she took a seat, "I see you've prepared yourself for my arrival." 

Greyson rolled his eyes but refrained from commenting, instead he began placing a few of their favorite sweets into seperate plates.

Catina thanked him and grabbed a plate before sitting down, while Catrina just stared.

Catrina looked suspiciously between her plate and Greyson.

Finally noticing her stare, Greyson paused, "Is there a problem?"

Unable to help herself, Catrina scrunched up her nose and asked, "Did you do something to my food?" 

Baffled, Greyson questioned, "Excuse me?"

"Well, you can't blame me for being so suspicious when you start acting so nice." Catrina scoffed as she finally picked up a cookie. 

Greyson raised an eyebrow, "I've always been nice to you."

Catrina slowly ate her cookie as she asked, "Name one time."

Greyson furrowed his eyebrows and didn't reply.

"See." Catrina said triumphantly.

"He's thinking Rina." Catina piped up as she handed her sister a napkin, "Besides, why does he have to recite all his good deeds to you?"

Catrina snorted, "Of course you would say that."

Catina huffed, still a bit riled up from all the teasing she endured earlier, she said "Our etiquette teacher has a name for people who snort like you do. It's pig-kin."

Catrina gasped in outrage, "Did you just insinuate what I think you did?"

Catina took a sip from her tea, "You heard what I said."

Catrina opened her mouth to reply, but Greyson beat her to it, "I specifically remember helping you bury Uncle Logan's training manual so you wouldn't have to copy it's pages as a punishment after you were caught putting bugs in your teacher's bag."

Catrina laughed akwardly instead of commenting. It was now two against one and she wasn't willing to fight a losing battle.

The three continued to chat leisurely as they filled each other in on the things that happened in the weeks that they'd been apart. The conversation was rather relaxed until Catrina finally informed Greyson of her confirmed marital arraignment. 

To say Greyson was surprised would be an understatement, his eyebrows raised so high they practically disappeared into his hairline.

"So that's why mother was so agitated when she asked about you a few days ago." Greyson muttered.

Catina studied her sister's expression carefully before placing a cup of freshly made tea in front of her, "Yes, things have been rather....tense since then." She hesitated, but continued, "It doesn't help that everyone has been acting as if Catrina is going to suddenly combust into flames from anger either."

Catrina snorted before quickly placing her hands over her nose in embarrassment. She glared at her sister before saying, "I have every right to be angry."

Greyson sighed, "No one is saying that you don't."

Catina continued, "It's just...sometimes you let that anger get the best of you and I'm worried that one day you'll end you hurting yourself or someone else."

Catrina remained silent as she stared down at her tea.

Seeing Catrina's downcast expression, Catina quickly changed the conversation, "Greyson, I heard you're turning eight in about a month. Do you have anything special planned?"

"Not really."

Catina quickly nodded having already expected his answer. Nobles typically only threw large birthday parties from thirteen and older. Thirteen was the age that children were formally required to attend school. Before that nobles typically had their children tutored. 

Before the age of thirteen, children of nobles were also excluded from the responsiblity of having to attend adult banquets, this however did not stop them from arranging gatherings for their children to hang out with others of their own age.

Despite Catina's attempt at changing the conversation, Catrina remained silent throughout the rest of their conversation. 

The Veltina SistersOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora