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Hi. Long time no see?

I know this isn't the update you were probably waiting for and for that I apologize. Life got very busy for awhile (about 2 years apparently) and I've neglected to update. Truthfully, I didn't even think people were still reading this novel.

After some point, I stopped getting notifications for it and I have no idea why. So imagine my shock when I finally check my notification tab! Again, I'm really sorry that I've left you all hanging for so long. That being said, I have good news and bad news. 

The bad news is that I don't have any chapter updates and there most likely will not be any for awhile. I have other obligations and unfortunately I cannot make writing this story a priority. 

The good news is that the plotline for this story is already fleshed out. When I get the chance I would love to continue writing.

 In the years that I have been absent, my writing has changed, so unfortunately I will not be able to just pick back up from where I left off. There are a lot of things I dislike anyways, so I'm going for a complete refresh.

I'm left with two options:

1. Start a new book and leave this one up (for the memories...although I might delete it due to embarrassment later).

2. Keep using this novel and simply reupload chapters as I go along. 

At one point I considered just spoiling the plot but it involves way to many characters who have yet to be introduced. I guess you'll just have to wait :p

Thank you all for reading and commenting. I'll try to keep an eye out for any comments and stuff on this chapter. Let's all aim to be productive this year <3

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15 ⏰

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