Chapter 20 Sauerbraten

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I wrap myself up in my pajamas. It's been one week since the incident, and I'm getting stronger every day. Nurse Camryn says I might take a day or two more to heal. She said I'm almost fully healed now, as well as Aubrey.

I take my pills with some water and sit on the bed. Jack forced me into agreeing that he should stay in his room, just in case something happens. He also said he wants to have the ceremony sometime in the next month if that's alright. I didn't agree, and I didn't disagree, so we'll see.

A knock sounds on the door.

"Come in," I say softly. I can now speak, but it's still a little painful after a while, so I need to keep my voice hushed.

Jack pokes his head in and grins. "Hello, schön." (Beautiful.)

I smile. "Hi."

"I brought you some sauerbraten." (Roast beef stew.)

I scrunch up my face. "What's that?"

He laughs and says under his breath, "You're cute when you do that." He then clears his throat, and I pretend I don't hear. "Um, it's roast beef stew. Most of its broth, though." He walks in, closing the door behind him. He sits on the bed beside me. "Um..." He licks his top lip. "I know we got off to the wrong foot, and I'm sorry. I just- I-"

I place a hand on his shoulder. "It's okay."

He smiles appreciatively. "Anyway, let's get this show on the road. Or, as I like to say, let's get you on my lap."

"Has that ever actually worked for girls?"

A blush creeps up his neck. "No."

I try not to laugh, mostly because it's painful. 

Yeah, painful listening to this. Hurry up, bitch.

Jack eyes my pajamas. "That outfit is hardly conducive for this weather."

"What  do you mean?"

"I mean that it's cold outside."

"But... we're inside."

He huffs. "Fine. But you are never wearing that out."

You should do that to annoy him.

Already planned.

He glares at me. "What did she say?"


"Aubrey. What did she say?"

"Oh. Nothing." I try to take the soup from him.

He moves it further away. "Not until you tell me."

I cross my arms. "Fine. I won't eat then."

"Wait, no, baby, please." He pats his lap. "You need to eat, Liebling." He reaches under my armpits and hauls me into his lap. (Darling.)

I can picture Aubrey smirking at how well this panned out.

I go to grab the spoon, but he gets there before me.

"No, Mein Mond. I will feed you." (My moon.)

I mentally face-slap myself, but Aubrey's prancing around with joy.

He brings the spoon to my mouth, but I refuse.

Girl, you'd better open your mouth, or I will for you.

"Ellana, open your mouth."

I shake my head and purse my lips.

He raises an eyebrow. " Open your goddamn mouth, or I swear to the mother of all fucks, I will rip it open myself."

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