♫~ To The Dessert And Beyond ~♫

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When they left the city in the dust, Arubi asked, "Where did you get the money?" His partner didn't have such a bag when they arrived

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When they left the city in the dust, Arubi asked, "Where did you get the money?" His partner didn't have such a bag when they arrived.

"I borrowed it."

"From who?" The rabbit lifted his left eyebrow.

"A good friend of mine."

Arubi sighed, for only one person he called "a good friend": The Old Goat, and by "borrowed" he meant "without permission".

"Don't be so pessimistic," Kairo said, reading the answer in Arubi's crossed paws. "Soon we'll be filthy rich." He winked.

"More like filthy from the sand," the rabbit murmured and shook off the dust from his fur.

"Aren't you a sissy?"

"I wanna see you trying to look decent when you are all white. I have a delicate fur, you know!" His fur-fect fur of the finest quality needed proper care. "I'm not some wild hare!"

Kairo giggled, for he loved to tease his friend. He flicked with the reins, telling the desert raccoon to quicken its pace, which didn't happen as this one was lazier.


Far away from them was a prominent, tall structure, reaching to the sky where the fearsome Bandit Goro lived. On the tip in the round tower, sat a dog, missing his head fur based on his tightened bandanna.

He watched the endless horizon with half-lidded eyes. How dull, he thought. Nothing interesting ever happens here. He scratched his bottom. We had only ten bounty hunters, three door-to-door salesmen offering anti-flood insurance, and a group of three girl scouts selling robo-cookies this month.

The dog stretched his body using the downward dog position he excelled in. At least we had an international tournament in hopscotch for elders. That was fun. He remained in the yoga position for a few moments before he sighed and looked through his kaleidoscope. It had two stones inside, but nothing could lift his mood more than the repeated patterns. He winked and squinted as it seemed something clouded his vision of the perfect boredom.

He put the kaleidoscope away and used the plain telescope. Huh? Was the desert always so small? He pondered for a few moments before he noticed he watched through the wrong end. Clouds of sand rose above the monotonous horizon.

He murmured, "Not another idiot." He turned around, lifted the lid of a long tube and barked, "Hey, Boss, we have the usual!"

"What usual?" a voice echoed back.

"The usual-usual."

A grumble reached his floppy ears, and the pipe-line became silent. Several long minutes later, the Big Boss Goro entered the scene with a bang. His head hit the low ceiling of the connecting passage. He rubbed the sore place, climbing the ladder.

NinRai - MissAdventures For Two (Published)Where stories live. Discover now