Chapter 64

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I put the necklace back on the table. I didn't know whose it was so I didn't want to make Aneel mad. I looked over at the bags. The presents they got me were still unpacked. I went over to it and opened one. There was a book in it. When I read the title, I knew immediately that it was from Masara. You want to know why? Because the title was 'How to be a badass chick'. She is such a crazy girl. I opened the first page and saw a note in it. 'I know you will probably get mad that I gave you this present BUT I COULDN'T HELP IT. It just looked so amazing, I bought one for myself too. But I know I don't need it because I am already such a badass lollll. Anyway, happy birthday Sahra. Yessin found me and asked me to help him for you guys' birthday. He is an amazing guy, you are lucky to have him as your brother! I need to stop because Hamza is yelling for me to make him food –shut up and make yourself you idiot am writing here- sorry, ugh, what am I doing? Anyway, bye Sahra luf yaaa' she wrote and I started laughing. Like really hard. Then I shook my head and looked in another bag. It was.. Oh Allah, it was a photo frame. But that was not what made my eyes widen. It was a picture of me and Yessin. I was sleeping next to him and he was smiling in the camera. When.. what? I felt a piece of paper on the back of it and started to read. 'You probably wonder when I took this picture lol. Happy birthday.. sister. I love you..' he wrote. I could see that he had a hard time writing this. The last part was a bit shaky and had a few mistakes which he'd just scratched with the pen.

"I love you too.." I said without realizing. It was such a beautiful day and I didn't really know how to put it all in places. I think I just needed some time. I grabbed another bag and opened it. I was confused. There was a pair of baby-shoes. They were pink and had flowerprints on it. Were these.. were these mine? I grabbed the paper and read it. 'I didn't know what to get you, because I don't know you. So I decided to give you something that belonged to you, but you never got the chance to wear them.. I am sorry' and I knew it was from her. A single tear started to stream down when I looked at her words. She was confused, just like me. She was hurt, just like me. And she didn't know how to act, just like me. I looked a lot like her. Her eyes, lips- everything. I shook my head and grabbed the stuff and placed them in my drawer. Tomorrow was going to be my first day of work, so I decided what to wear. 'Don't be captured in this world too much. Don't forget to work for Jannah too', I heard the voice. Without thinking I made my way to the bathroom and did wudu. After that, I prayed. When I looked in the mirror, I felt good. The scarf.. It looked so good on me. Like it was a piece of me. I felt warm inside and happy. Why? I didn't know. I played a bit with the scarf. This.. From now on, from today on, I'm starting to wear it.. I didn't know why I have to or anything, but I wanted it. I felt it. And with that happy thought, I went to sleep.

When I woke up, I didn't see Aneel. Did he even get home? I looked around and saw no dirty clothes which he always threw in the corner of the room every night. So he didn't come home. I stood up, feeling a bit sad that I didn't see him. I looked over at the clock and saw that I had just fourty-five minutes to get ready and go. I sprinted out of my bed and got ready. I placed a scarf that matched my clothes on my head. I really needed to buy more scarves if I wanted this to continue. I grabbed the bag we bought with Masara and I put there my stuff in. I ran to the kitchen and ate a banana and cursed myself that I didn't pray Fajr. I ran out of the door and saw the driver waiting for me.

I was in the office of my father-in-law. He was talking on the phone, while I was waiting for him to finish. I was really nervous. This was my first job ever and I didn't know what to expect. I was looking around and didn't realize that my father-in-law actually ended the call.

"So, Sahra. Are you excited?" I snapped out of my daydream about how to change the design of this room and looked at him.

"I go by the name Yasmin.." I said, not even realizing that I had said it. Did this mean that I had been accepting them? I just realized that I felt tense when I heard the name Sahra. Yasmin sounded more peaceful. He looked at me in confusion and I explained what had happened. He was mad for not telling hom but didn't make a huge deal out of it.

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