Chapter 62

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I stood in front of the building. 'Osman' was written big on it. It was very big. People went in and out in expensive looking clothes. The driver came next to me and signed for me to follow him. It was a weird person. I mean, he didn't talk during the carride. We went inside and my eyes widened. It was all white. People were walking, running around with clothes or maps in their hands. We went to the reception and I heard someone yelling happily.

"Sahra! Oh my God, you're here!!" I heard Masara and she stood up and gave me a big hug. I smiled at her. I never know how to act around her, because it was all so foreign to me.

"Yeah, I needed to come f-"

"Oh yeah, you have an appointment with Mr. Osman. Follow me" she said interrupting me and I just followed her.

"So, you work here?" I asked her.

"Yes, I mean. Hamza is the best friend of Aneel so Aneel fixed a job for the both of us" she said and I smiled, knowing that he helped his friends out.

"Here, you can go in" she said opening a door. I went inside and saw my father-in-law. He was sitting but when he saw me he stood up and smiled. I smiled back, a bit shyly.

"Masara, you can go now. Come, sit Sahra" he said and pointed at a chair. I sat down and looked around. There were drawings everywhere. All of them were men.

"How are you?" he asked me. What should I say? Bad? Hurt? Scared?

"Fine, thanks, and you?" I asked, trying to be as polite as possible.

"Me too. Well you probably wonder why you are here, right?" he asked me and I nodded. He grabbed a piece of paper and showed it to me.

"What would you change?" he asked me nodding at the drawing. I looked at it and saw a man with a jean and a sweater. It was good, but the colours were wrong. It had to be darker.

"Green. It needs to be darker. The contrast will be better" I said a bit unsurely. Aneel asked these kind of questions too. What did they want?

"Well.. And this one?" he let me see another. That one was perfect. It was a simple white shirt with a red jean.

"Nothing, the red matches with the white. Its perfect" I said, still looking at the drawings.

"Okay, you have this job" he said happily. Wait- What? I looked at him and saw him smiling.

"I am sorry, but I don't understand.." I said.

"Oh, I am sorry. I was a bit too excited. Well, we need a new designer because ours went over to the concurrent. So I asked Aneel to be, but he isn't very good at drawing. He is good with combining clothes and stuff but not with drawing. Drawing is much more different because you have to make something out of nowhere with the good colors and material. He told me that you can draw perfect and that you helped him with the important work I gave him, so we wanted you to be our designer. Congratulations!" He said grabbing my hand and shaking it. I was still in shock. Job? Designer? Me?

"I am sorry, Mr. Osman but I can't accept this. I mean, I didn't even go to school and I don't really belie-"

"You don't need to, and we will homeschool you. Don't worry, it will be alright. Now, let me call Masara. You guys need to shop clothes. Don't take it wrong but we can't walk around here in simple clothes. Its a famous company." he said and I immediately felt bad. I looked down at my clothes. I was just wearing a simple jean with a long dress which reached my knees. I.. I liked it. I didn't need other clothes. 'Just go. It will turn out to something beautiful, but not today. Trust me', the voice said. I smiled, trusting the voice and followed my father-in-law. We went to Masara's desk and he talked quietly to her so I didn't hear anything. I saw Masara holding in her excitement, which was easy to read and my father-in-law turned to me.

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