Chapter 37

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What was going on? Aneel was just frozen in his spot and didn't move. After a few seconds he looked over at me, still with wide eyes.

"He.. the fire" he said and that's when he became angry. He had his walls back up and it scared me to try to near them.

"I'm going to kill him.." he was saying over and over again and then called someone.

"Hamza, Kyle- or Yassir set up the fire. Take the boys and come to Turkey. We need to make a plan to stop it all.. We will see who is gonna kill who.. No, she is okay" he said the last part while looking over at me.

"I will not allow what they did to Maryam again.... He won't do anything... As long as I live he can't lay a finger on Sahra or my family" with that he ended the call and threw his phone away. Luckily that it just fell on the bed. My heart was beating faster and I followed him to the living room where Rabia was.

"Don't tell mum and dad about the fire" Aneel said looking at his sister. Rabia mentioned for us to sit down at the dining table and I thought that Aneel was going to explain everything to her but he didn't. Neither of us ate and there was a weird tension.

"What are we going to do?" She asked Aneel.

"You can stay here for a while. I will take care of a new house" he said and she nodded. I felt suddenly guilty. Aneel had so much weight in his shoulders. I wondered if he was able to handle it.

"Do you know how it all burnt down?" She asked quietly. Aneel looked up at me and I gave him a look that said 'tell her'. He shook his head and looked at Rabia, to avoid any eye contact with me.



Aneel just came home. I didn't know where he went or what he did but he was tense. He was angry the whole time and even yelled at Leyla. I had to push him away to the room to let him calm down. Poor girl was very scared.

"Don' scare the little girl Aneel, she didn't do anything wrong" I warned him. He sat down on the bed and put his hands through his hair.

I made my way over to the bed and sat down beside Aneel.

"Are you okay?" I asked, looking up at him. He looked away to the other side and shook his head. I sighed and grabbed his chin and turned his face towards me.

"Everything will be alright. wanna pray with me?" I dared to ask. I was scared though. You'd never know when he'd snap. Bipolar handsome Aneel with his bipolar beautiful green eyes and ugh- stop being ridiculous.

He just looked at me and rolled his eyes. How could someone not believe? It is time that someone put some sense in that beautiful bipolar head of his. I stood up and placed my hands on my hips.

"Why? Why don't you believe? Everything has a reason. All of this, this boss thing, the fire is not happening without a reason. That Maryam died has a reason. Why don't you trust Allah? Aren't you.. aren't you happy with me? Even though we are not a real couple, aren't you at least a bit happy? I want to help you by being there for you but you won't even tell me what is going on in that head of yours! She. Is. Dead. I'm here now. I was always by your side. Why don't you just ask me questions about Islam. Hell, I bet you know more stuff about it than me. Didn't you tell me that you were once a hafiz? Come on Aneel, grow up. Look around, Allah gives you so many signs to put your trust in Him again. Just open your eyes! He gives you all these pain to let you open your eyes and to realise that He misses you, not everyone gets that chance!" I said and once I said that a weight went off of my shoulders. It felt good to smash the reality in his face. He didn't move. His expression was blank and it looked like everything I said went one ear in and the other out. Hopeless. That's what I felt.

"It will always be Maryam. Yesterday, today and tomorrow. It will always be Maryam" he said. From everything I had just said he just got that? Was he trying to say that I shouldn't even bother? But.. why am I even here then? I nodded my head in understanding and grabbed a bag. I had new clothes because with the house, all of our clothes burnt down too. Wait. Why was I even taking stuff that was bought with his money. I dont' have anything else..I packed them and made my way to the door. I saw Rabia there with an angry look, looking at Aneel. I looked over at him and saw that his blank expression was still there. I shook my head. No, no he meant it. All of it. I am not welcome here, I thought to myself and made my way over to the front door. I heard Rabia yelling stuff in Turkish and made her way to me to stop me but I quickly got out. I took a deep breath and walked away. Where to? I didn't even know..


Final Editing Done (27-10-2016)

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