My Second Book Is Completed!

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Salaam guys- OH. MY. GOD. Haven't been on this story for such a long time and let me tell you I got nervous writing this. As if I was meeting someone I hadn't seen for a long time.

Today, this story reached 4 million reads and I can't thank you enough for this. You guys don't know how much it means to me. I still remember the first day I wrote it, how scared I was to post it, how many people told me to stop, how many people motivated me.. It was the best part of my life even though I was going through the worst. 4 million? How? HOW?!

I just wanted to say that I'll never forget you guys and what you did to me. I go back to chapters and read comments over and over again to not to let the bond die. Weird? I know. Your comments are always so smart and make me see things in a way I didnt and I'm forever grateful for you guys taking your time and finding it important enough to comment.

I am currently editing this book, changing it a LOT! The story line will change a lot since it doesn't make sense sometimes (a lot actually)

I actually had someone ask me if they could get this story published but it was a bit fishy to me and I told myself that if it gets published one day, I would NOT take it off of Wattpad. YOU guys made this special and what it is today so you deserve to go back to it and read it without any borders. Though I dream of publishing a book one day. I mean, isn't that every authors dream?

Okay, now the real reason why I came here. I know a lot of you refuse to read uncompleted books, which I also refused. I just wanted to say that (for the people that didn't know) my second book is completed now! So you can just go and read it without waiting for updates that won't come. I also write two other books, but these aren't completed.

Check them out if you want!

Once again, thank you so so so much for everything. May Allah bless you all with Jannah and may we meet there and me reading books for you guys- okay that was creepy sorry

Love yall!


Instagram: sssilentscreamsss
Snapchat: summmmm3
WeHeartIt: sssilentscreamsss

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