Chapter 13

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After he gave me the address, I went to the police station with his car. I didn't know he didn't take his car when he went. I parked the car in the parking lot and ran inside with fear that something happened to him. I didn't know why, I mean I heard his voice but I was just scared. I went to the reception and asked where I could find him.

"He has twenty more minutes to sit and then you can see him" she said. I didn't understand. Twenty more minutes what exactly? She must have seen my confused face cause she answered my question I hadn't asked yet.

"He got into a fight and has to stay three hours in jail so he has twenty more minutes to go" she said. Fight? What fight? Was he okay? With who? My mind immediately went to that creepy guy that once grabbed me. I nodded to the reception girl and made my way to the chair and sat on it. I waited and waited and it felt like time had stopped. After what felt like hours, the receptionist came over to me and told me that I could take Aneel home. I stood up immediately and followed her to where he was. When I saw him my eyes widened. His face was full of bruises and cuts. I made my way over to him and touched his bruise on his cheek without consciousness. He looked at me with a blank expression and after a second he grabbed my hand off of his face. I looked at the ground cause I felt embarrassed. I knew I didn't need to touch him, but I was just scared. He didn't say anything and walked away. He made his way over to the car and I followed him. I stepped in and he started driving. None of us talked and I felt bad. After ten minutes we were home and we went inside without, of course, talking. My anger raised and I closed my eyes and did a silent prayer to calm down. He sat down on the couch and took his jacket off. He flinched and hissed of the pain. I shut the door with a loud sound. He looked over at me before taking his eyes off of me. I made my way over to him and sighed. He then looked at the dining table and saw the food.

"What is that?" he said looking bewildered.

"Food" I said, not wanting to talk about the dinner I prepared for nothing.

"Yeah, I can see that. I'm not stupid" he said. I sighed.

"I made that for us cause I thought we could have at least a proper dinner" I said. He looked up at me in confusion. Was it too much to be just nice to each other?

"Why?" he asked, not getting it.

"I'll tell you if you tell me who you did fight with" I said. He shook his head. I shrugged my shoulders.

"I don't have to tell you things" he said, that made me angry.

"You know what? I worked my head off to make you dinner, to be normal. To get along cause this isn't working. You are so bipolar it scares me. And then you call me like it was nothing, like I'm some slave to pick you up and you don't even give me the damn explanation I deserve!" I yelled. It was enough, really. He looked at me with wide eyes for a second. then he stood up, grabbing me by my arm. He didn't hold it tightly, so it didn't hurt.

"Listen and listen good you annoying, little burden. I didn't marry you with the real meaning of marriage. My parents made me marry you and that's it. You are nothing to me, okay? Nothing. You mean nothing to me. Never had, never will. Put that fact in that pretty, little head of yours. I don't need to tell you what's going on in my life and you don't have to do things to make us look like a happy freaking couple" he spat out. I didn't know where it was hiding but I took all of my confidence above water and pushed him back.

"No, actually. You, listen. You are not the only one here hurt okay? You are not the only one who married to someone without wanting it. You are not the only one who had a rough past, who went through bad things. I, you see me? I had a bad past. I didn't marry you either for the same reasons. I am hurt too, so go screw yourself cause the only thing we could do is getting along till we divorce" I said. Tears were almost about to fall but I stopped them. He looked angrily at me and sat then down on the couch. He didn't say anything and I was happy for that. I sighed and made my way over to him.

"Take your shirt off" I said. He looked confused and still had his angry look on. I was glad that he didn't continue the fight. He was very stubborn, like me, so it made sense.

"What?" he asked. I sighed.

"I need to check if your injuries and need to fix you up" I said. Then I looked at him and saw him just looking forward. I shrugged my shoulders and grabbed his arm to look at the bruises.

"No one can fix me" he said quietly after a few minutes. It was like he was telling it himself and not me. I ignored it and took his shirt off. He had a few bruises so I went to the bathroom and took the first aid kit. When I came back, I started to clean him up. His chest was warm and soft, the complete opposite of how he was looking. He looked like a cold, stone person but his skin was always so warm, so welcoming. I kept on further, but feeling tense since I couldn't stand but his gaze n me.


Final Editing Done: 23-09-2016

Oh and also. Please please please make dua for our Palestinian, and other muslim brothers and sisters. They are now struggling when we have it so good. Ya Allah you see everything, give them the punisment they deserve. My heart aches so much when I see all these videos and pictures. Please don't forget them, especially during ramadan!

You, my Punishment (Islamic Story)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα