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A/N: I'm so so sorry... Been really really busy. And writer's block sucks...Sorry if this is crappy. Really sorry. I'll edit it later.

Love you guys! Read, comment, vote, know...all that. Enjoy.:)

Crap! Crap! I think I hit his nose!

‘Oh my God, Cecelia you almost got my nose with the door!’ cried a surprised Chris from the other side of the door.

Oh! That’s a relief. That would have been embarrassing.

‘Come on...why’d you bang the door in my face, Cecelia? What did I do?’

I snorted as I leaned on the door. How dare he ask what he did?

Well, if you’re confused, after Chris showed up at my door acting as if he hadn’t ignored me for the past two days, I shut the door on his face. Who does he think he is? Coming to my house acting as if he hadn’t left me in a puddle of feelings at all. I hate feeling like that. I hate the control, no matter how small; he had over me without even him realizing it.

‘Cecelia I know you’re still standing by the door,’ he continued, knocking. ‘What are you doing? Why are you doing this?’

I sighed and opened the door, ‘Well, I do remember someone telling to be I thought I’d try it out.’ Then before he could say anything, I closed the door.

‘Well I think we have different definitions of selfish, sweetheart,’ he shouted from the other side, chuckling a bit.

I opened the door and stepped out, surprising him a little.

‘Not really, no. You see... I don’t really appreciate being ignored and being treated the way you did, despite my snooping,’ I said, crossing my arms over my chest as I watched the amused look on his face disappear.

‘I was mad, okay? I didn’t like you snooping all the time-‘

‘Yea...but you knew practically everything about me and I knew almost nothing about you,’ I defended. I sighed, then, trying to be calm, ‘Look. I apologized and I’m apologizing now, okay? But... I don’t want to be treated like that. What? So you get mad, ignore me, then come here as if nothing has happened, expecting me to just go with it?’

Damn! Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed; my subconscious rolled her eyes at me. So you forgive Sammy within a minute and you can’t forgive Chris which was by the way your fault, she continued.

I brushed her off as I watched Chris run a hand through his hair, not looking at me. He looked as if he was debating about something, but he didn’t say anything.

Sighing, for about the millionth time today, I said, ‘Look, I’m going to come with you just because I promised you but that’s it. If you aren’t comfortable with trusting me with something then I guess...that’s that.’

You’re being stupid. You’re stupid. You’re out of your damn mind, a little voice in my head said.

Please don’t push him away from us. We like him and you know it, it continued.

‘I’ll be down in twenty minutes,’ I said, walking into the house and heading to my room. The voice was right. But I was pushing him away because I liked him. Because I couldn’t take another person I care about not care for me in the way I wanted.

I took a quick shower and as I stepped in front of my closet, I actually contemplated wearing the purple dress Alex got for me. I took it out before I changed my mind. Ten minutes later, I was ready. My hair was down and I’d thrown on a black coat and a pair of black Converse.

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