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I went over the sentence for the tenth time in twenty minutes with a frustrated sigh. Finals were quickly approaching and I felt like I had never stepped into a class this whole year.

Sighing, I put the book down on my lap and stared at the hospital room ceiling. In a few weeks, my life as I know it would change completely. I felt panic build inside of me when I thought of what was to come. I closed my eyes and tried to push it down.


I sat up to look at my sister. She'd been watching something on the TV but it was now on mute.


'I'm scared,' she murmured, playing with the sheets of her bed.

I frowned, standing up and heading to sit by her. 'What are you scared off, sweetie?'

She shrugged, 'E'rythin'. Nothin'. Wha's in store for me.'

I pulled her to my side, hugging her fiercely, not knowing what to say to her. What do you tell someone who knows they are about to face death soon? What do you tell someone who hasn't gotten to even live?

'You know wha' tha funny thing is?' She asked a few moments later with a laugh.

I smiled although I didn't see any humor in this, 'What?'

She grinned mischievously, 'I'm leavin' this world a virgin.'

I honestly was not expecting that and Alex seemed to find the expression on my face hilarious since she was laughing so hard.

'You-You should see your face!' She said as she wiped her eyes.

'Haha,' I said, sarcastically although I was grinning, my face a little flush.

'We haven' had tha talk yet you know,' she said teasingly. 'An' you and Chwis-'

'Oh my God, Alex,' I shot up from the bed, feeling embarrassed. 'What did they give you today?'

Alex chuckled at my red face and embarrassment. 'So wha are you goin' to wear to prom?'

I crinkled my face and shrugged. 'I'm not sure yet. I still have tomorrow to decide anyway.'

'You better have som'thin by tomorrow nigh'...I wan' to see it,' she said giving me a semi stern look.

I smiled and went to sit back down beside her, 'What would you like to wear if you were going?'

She had a sad smile on her face, 'Well...I'd wan' a wed dresh-'

'Red? I thought you'd want purple!' Thank God Sammy and I hadn't bought her a dress yet. Actually, we hadn't bought any dress yet.

She shook her head, 'Naah. Wed. I don' know why I alway' thin' of tha' color.'

I smiled at her, 'Red is nice. I'd probably go'

'No! No black,' Alex shook her head.

'Alright,' I laughed. 'Maybe...cobalt blue?'

She grinned, nodding, 'Perfc'to! I though' pwom comes af'er finals?'

'I don't know why they brought it before,' I said, thinking about it.

'You' shool's weird,' she said, crinkling her nose.

I laughed and hugged her to me. 'So how's Tim doing?'

She shrugged and pulled away, a look of sadness filling her eyes. 'I don' know, hon'stly. I'm leavin' soon an' I don' wanna start somethin' tha' is doomed to fail.'

'Let him decide that, okay? And carpe diem, Alex. Seize the day, the moment. Do something that'll make you happy before you can't,' I told her, brushing away the tears that had made their way to her cheeks. To be honest I was still hoping for a freaking miracle. I was praying that she'd just recover and be well one morning.

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