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Stereotypes. There’s a lot of that in my school. And I guess a lot of people did live up to their image. Nerds with their sweaters and glasses, the bad boys with their good looks and charms that landed them a bunch of girls at their feet, cheerleaders who all looked like models and the skimpy materials on their bodies they called clothes…I could go on and on but I won’t.

But not everyone lived up to their images completely. Take Raul for example. Yea he was hot and popular but he was also down to earth. Looking at Chuck Gray at the moment, I concluded that he too didn’t live up to his image completely.

Yes, he always got into a lot of trouble, never did his assignments and skipped school a lot…but that’s about it. He didn’t have the good looks you’d expect. He wasn’t ugly but he wasn’t exactly hot…he was…lookable? I guess, if that’s even a word.

He had a slightly bended nose, most probably from it being broken or something, the bushiest eyebrows I’d ever seen but he managed to pull it off slightly high cheek bones and lips always stretched to a thin line always. Maybe the most intriguing thing about his features was his eyes. They were the oddest shade; somewhere between green blue and gray. It kind of clashed with his dark brown hair. Odd but also very striking.

He was also mostly quiet. Never talked to people, walked alone most of the time and now that I think about it, I never did see him during lunch.

I know you’re probably wondering why I’m talking about Chuck Gray. No I had not suddenly developed a crush on my best friend’s crush. That would be awkward. It’s because the concerned boy was sitting at my table. With Sammy. Looking as if he’d prefer to take out his teeth with a pair of pliers than sit here.

‘So what are you doing here, again?’ I asked, poking absently at my spaghetti. Not the best but my stomach didn’t really care for that at the moment.

He grunted, not looking up at the tray he’d been scowling at since he’d reluctantly sat with Sammy next to him. The whole cafeteria had been in a bit of a shock when he entered, got his food and sat down and especially at my oh so unpopular table. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t shocked too.

Sammy beamed, ‘He’s eating of course!’

I looked at her suspiciously while she winked at me and continued eating, that glint in her eyes very much noticeable. Oh my God, I had a crazy friend. What had she done? When I told her to befriend him…I didn’t mean forcing him into it!

I shook my head and made a mental note to get information out of her. I went back to my spaghetti but little did I know that Chuck Gray sitting here would be the least shocking yet.

I felt arm wrap around my shoulders before someone settled next to me.

‘Hey Chubbs. Miss me?’ he said, before proceeding to fill his mouth with his spaghetti like there was nothing unusual with him sitting here. As I slowly got out of my shock, I looked around and realized that most eyes were on this table for the second time in under an hour.

Sammy gave me an incredulous look and I gave her one back before turning to Chris.

‘I think you got the wrong table, Chris,’ I said, carefully.

He looked at me and chuckled, ‘Silly girl. Remember I told you I’d be spending more time with you?’

Sammy cleared her throat rather dramatically and I saw her smirk just a little. Even Chuck had looked up at us and looked rather amused.

I heard the chair drag on my other side and i almost chocked on my spit. Raul was settling in, grinning widely at me.

What the hell was happening? Was there a memo that I missed? I couldn’t understand whatever was happening and apparently the whole cafeteria didn’t too because they couldn’t even hide their curiosity. Some people were even stood, murmuring to themselves about theories why the popular boys were now sitting with ‘Chubby’.

I knew what Raul was here though. It was because of what I’d told him yesterday and I saw it in his eyes as he looked away from me. He nodded at Chuck and Chris and said a quick hi to Sammy who was still looking shocked.

‘I’ve been handling fine alone all this time, Raul. You didn’t have to,’ I whispered at him.

He gave me a sad smile, ‘And I’m sorry for that. From now on you’re not going to be alone in this,’ he said before looking away from me.

I sighed. Well, I asked for this. I looked back at Chris who was looking at me suspiciously. I shrugged it off and continued eating. I’d talk to them later individually because I didn’t want any more attention than what I’d gotten today. Chris and Raul were talking about the next game and Chuck put in a word or two. Sammy looked pleased that he was saying something, like a proud mother. I smiled at myself shaking my head.

A few minutes later, Leroy slumped into the seat next Chris looking particularly grumpy. I can’t say I was surprised that he sat here. Chris was his best friend and they mostly sat together during lunch. That and the fact that this table was far enough to hide from people because of the black eye sporting his face. It wasn’t that noticeable actually because of his dark skin. It was just swollen. But almost everyone in school plus a couple of thousand other people knew about it and how he had gotten it. He’d mum had given it to him when he had tried to wake her arm by scaring her. Safe to say, it didn’t go as planned. His mum had woken up and punched his face in a panic and his brother (who had been recording it) had posted it immediately. It had been revined almost 500,000 this morning.

‘Not a word, Edwards,’ he said in a low threatening voice when Chris started to open his mouth. He was laughing loudly and I everyone else was trying to fight their laughs. There were a few snickers and laughs around us and it only made Leroy scowl even harder.

I couldn’t bear it anymore. ‘So…how’s your mother Leroy?’ I asked completely deadpan.

We all let out our laughs as Leroy grunted banging his head on the table. Chris turned to give me a high five and Raul was clutching at his stomach, laughing. Leroy walked off, mumbling something about people being assholes. Even Chuck grinned widely, shaking his head. That was kind of unexpected and Sammy noticed it too because she stopped laughing and stared at Chuck in shock, ‘You smiled!’

Chuck seemed uncomfortable after that and kept to himself. Sammy looked as if she regretted saying anything because she didn’t say anything afterwards too.

Well, this had been one interesting lunch. As people cleared out, Chuck stormed off first before Sammy excused herself and walked out after him. Raul left after that saying that they had an emergency meeting but promised to call me later.

‘You sure you’re just friends?’ Chris said as we put away our trays.

‘I won’t tell you again, Chris,’ I said as I pulled out something from my jacket pocket. ‘Alex said hi.’ I hand him the small key chain with the statue of liberty hanging from it. He seemed taken aback as he took it, surprise flashing in his eyes before he grinned. A genuine smile.

‘Wow…how is she?’ he asked as we walked out of the cafeteria.

I shrug, ‘Okay. I only spoke to her for like five minutes before she went back to sleep. She was really tired so maybe you could come tomorrow when she’s less tired.’

He nodded before stopping and turning to me, giving me a surprise hug and just like the last time, he pulled back before I could react.

‘Why do you keep hugging me?’ I ask, punching his arm.

He gave me a boyish grin before turning it into a smirk, ‘You’re all cuddly and soft so I could say I enjoy hugging you.’

I rolled my eyes, ‘Perv!’

He shook his head before ruffling my hair. ‘See you later, Cecelia.’ He said before walking off leaving me standing in the middle of the hallway, confused.

He had actually called me Cecelia. I shook my head before walking off to my locker to get to my next lesson. The more I was hanging out with him the more it became hard to figure him out. And I’d be lying if I said I didn’t want to figure him out.

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