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I stared at the pink Post It Note written in read on my locker for about seven seconds before removing it. Apparently someone had been watching too much of Pretty Little Liars, I thought to myself as I started running a list of people I knew whose names started with C.

‘Chubbs!’ I heard from behind me.

Of course, I thought. ‘Is this your idea of a joke, Edwards? And why on earth do you have a pink Post It Note?’

He let out a short laugh before leaning on a locker next to mine, ‘I ran out on the other colours. And no, it’s not a joke because I indeed know where you reside.’

I rolled my eyes, ‘Of course you do! And I thought there was some unspoken rule that we shouldn’t speak more than once in a day. It might cause some sort of imbalance in the world you know.’

I took out my bag and shut my locker and started walking away.

‘Come on, Chubbs. You like talking to me,’ he said, falling in step with me. I scoffed. ‘And about where you live, I believe you know Mrs. Watson?’

My steps faltered a bit but I kept my face blank as I started to panic. ‘Nope! Doesn’t ring a bell.’

Actually, she was my neighbour and had been for almost three years now. I usually helped her around the house during the weekends and she’d tell me a lot of her stories from ‘back in the days’.

‘Really? And she had the sweetest things to say about you! I think most were an exaggeration on her part though,’ he said with a grin.

I stopped and faced him. ‘Okay. You got me,’ I said, trying to pretend it was nothing. ‘So? And how do you even know Mrs Watson?’

He gave me a small smile and wiggled his eyebrows before saying, ‘She’s my grandma.’

Before I could react however, Chris’ face was slapped hard with shaving cream. If I hadn’t been shocked by what he’d said about 30 seconds ago, I’d have laughed.

‘Smack cam!’ Leroy Simmons, a guy in our year who liked making Vines (and actually had a good number of followers), shouted and tore down the hallways as people dispersed, laughing at Chris.

‘Dammit, Lee! That’s it!’ Chris said after he recovered from his shock and ran after him. The unlikely pair of best friends those two, I thought trying to wipe of some of the shaving cream that had splattered on my shirt. I’d have to ask Chris about what he’d said the next day though. Or I’d talk with Mrs Watson herself.

‘Chubby! Wait up!’ I turned to see Raul running up to me, a big smile on his face. The few girls left in the hallways were all staring at him like the way I’d stare at a jar of Nutella sometimes. Well, I couldn’t really blame them. The guy was really hot; even I had to admit that. There was a point last year for about a week; I thought I had a crush on him. I guess it was that time of the month and my emotions were really running high and I was pretty down. He kept telling me all this jokes and I’d feel better. Then it passed just like that and he was a normal guy again. It would have been really tragic if it didn’t really, I thought as he stepped beside me and we walked out of school.

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