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Writer's block! Sorry... I'm not sure's get this thing back on track. *Cracks knuckles* Let's do this!!

‘Cecelia…who’s that boy sitting on our porch steps?’ My Mum enquired as we got out of the car.

‘Chwis!’ Alex answered before I could say anything. She was sitting at the back with me, waiting for Dad to pull out the wheelchair from the back when she saw him.

We had just come from getting Alex from the hospital and she seemed much better today. She was smiling and telling me about the young male nurse who was flirting at her jokingly and how Dad got all protective. Who would have thought? I thought to myself with a smile.

Chris had stood and was approaching us, a shy smile on his face as he approached my mum who was scowling at the moment.

‘Who is he? Your boyfriend?’ She directed the scowl to me.

‘No!’ I said, defensively, trying hard not to blush. I was still trying to come to terms with having a crush on him, no need for those ideas, Mum!

‘Mrs Hastings,’ Chris said, extending a hand to my mother. ‘It’s so nice to finally meet you. I am Christian, Mrs Watson’s grandson.’ Chris with manners, I thought amused. He never seems to amaze me.

Mum took his hand, putting a smile on her face, relaxing a bit after hearing Mrs Watson’s name, ‘It’s a pleasure to meet you Christian. What brings you here?’

‘I heard Lex here was feeling a bit under the weather so I came to see if she’s better now,’ Chris said, waving at Alex who waved back at him eagerly.

‘Oh? You know my daughter?’ My dad asked as he approached us, putting the wheelchair before extending his hand to greet Chris. ‘How are you, son?’

‘Mr Hastings. Yes I do. Both of them actually,’ he said looking at me for the first time and giving me a small smile. I felt my heart pick up its pace a bit before smiling back at him. ‘Me and Cecelia go to school together.’

‘Oh. That’s nice dear,’ My mum said, looking at me before turning to Alex. ‘We should bring her in. You must be tired sweetie.’

Alex shrugged, ‘I guess.’

‘I’ll carry you then, Lexie. Cecelia bring in the wheelchair will you? You’re welcome to come in, Christian,’ My Dad said as he picks up Alex and carries her, Mum walking ahead to open the door.

‘Wait! The poster,’ I say, excitedly. Chris beams at me before we hurry to the house. We pass Dad as he approaches the stairs and I say, ‘Alex, we have a surprise for you.’

Chris pokes my ribs with his elbow playfully and I stick my tongue out, ‘Okay Chris has a surprise for you.’

Alex’s head shoots up from where it lay on my dad’s neck at the word surprise, ‘Where?’

My mum and dad look equally curious and Chris shakes his head, ‘You’ll just see it yourself.’

By now we’ve reached her door and all of us are crowded at the small hallway. ‘Ready?’

Alex grins widely and nods, enthusiastically.

I open the door and Chris and I enter the room first and Mum and Dad follow.

‘Ta Da!’ Chris says dramatically, pointing to the poster on the wall. Alex gasps, and just like me, places a hand on her mouth.

‘Oh my God!’ She finally says. She turns to look at Chris. ‘I be jumpin’ up an’ down if I cou’d. Thank you Chwis. It’ beau’iful!’ She beams at Chris.

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