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‘So how’s it going with Chuck?’

Sammy snorted as she raked through some tops before taking out a mustard coloured one, ‘I’m not sure right now, Cece. I’ve tried to get him to be my friend. I even used blackmail but it seems he’s contented in his life of shutting everyone out and drowning in all his problems. Well that’s fine with me! I don’t even know why I bothered. I don’t even know why I was I even thought I was attracted to that douche bag in the first place!’ She ranted, checking another chiffon blouse.

It was Friday evening and since Alex had gone for dinner with Dad, I was free and Sammy dragged me to the mall to buy clothes.

The week had been interesting to say the least. Chris and Leroy continued to sit at the table with me and Sammy always dragged along a reluctant looking Chuck behind her. Leroy was a hilarious guy and I had laughed more this week than I had in forever. Chris was a bit turned down on being annoying and visited Alex every day since Tuesday. I found myself always wondering why I hadn’t seen this side of Chris before. But the answer was simple. He’d always hid it behind being annoying and cocky but now I saw through it. He was hiding something and I wanted to know what.

I won’t lie, Chris intrigued me. He was sweet and caring around his grandmother and Alex. He acted like some over confident conceited jerk always making out with a girl in the hallways when he was in school. During lunch when he was joking around with Leroy telling us stories, he looked like a normal guy, carefree with no worries. He had so many different sides and I didn’t really know which was his real one.

Raul visited Alex yesterday. I swear I saw Alex blush the slightest bit and I think Chris noticed too because he sent a slightly amused look at her as Raul introduced himself. And can you believe he brought his Xbox with him? Alex found a new passion that day and Raul promised to come as often as he could since football practice wouldn’t allow him to come over often.

‘I thought you said you wouldn’t give up on him?’ I asked trailing behind Sammy. I wasn’t going to buy anything though. I never did.

‘Well he’s almost hopeless,’ she said, turning to look at me. ‘I’ve tried everything, Cece. But I can only do so much if the other person is against it.’ My heart went out to my friend. She really liked Chuck or she wouldn't have gone through all that.

I nodded, ‘I’m sorry Sammy. But don’t blame yourself. Just put your mind off him and probably just move on. Okay?’

She looked resigned as she agreed with me before going to the changing rooms to try out the clothes she’d bought. I still hadn’t told her about Alex. I don’t think now would be an appropriate time so I put off telling her until she’s okay.

Strolling around the shop, I looked through the different types of clothes and scoffed wondering what I was even doing.

‘Honey, don’t you think these clothes are way too small for you?’

I turned and came face to face with two people I never really wanted to see ever again. These were among the girls who had teased Alex the last time she was here. I could never forget their faces.

Right now they were sizing me up a look of disgust in their eyes. I rolled my eyes and ignored them. One of them was a blonde and the other had dark hair, both had fake tans and looked as real as the Barbie dolls sitting in the store across from here.

‘Hey fatty! We’re talking to you…don’t ignore us!’ the one with the dark hair spoke up, turning me to face them roughly.

I could feel my anger fighting to come to the surface but I forced it down and continued to look through the clothes. However I could feel them behind me.

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