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‘Okay… favourite colour?’

I pop a Skittle in my mouth, ‘Blue, I think. Yours?’

He thinks about it then says, ‘I’m not sure really. I have three; red blue and green.’

I laughed at this and shook my head, ‘That’s odd. Okay…next question.’

‘Celebrity crush?’ He asks taking a few skittles from the packet between us

‘Oh my…um…Let’s see…Bradley Simpson of The Vamps? I guess…I like his voice.’ I say. I’ve never really sat down and thought ‘Okay, he’s cute. He’ll be my crush.’ Weird, right? ‘What about you?’

He chuckles, popping a blue skittle in his mouth, ‘Megan Fox. She's hot!’He says with a smirk. I roll my eyes. Of course.

‘You ever had a boyfriend?’

This question actually shocks me and I look at my hands debating on what I should tell him. We were currently sitting in my backyard, eating skittles and playing 21 questions. I’d finally stopped crying and wanted to go lock myself in my room for embarrassing myself like that. Chris wouldn’t have it though. He took out a packet of skittles he had from his hoodie pocket and dragged me to the backyard, sat me down and started asking me questions. I was quiet for a while until he threatened to tickle me. I hate being tickled so…I agreed. I actually enjoyed it.

Now as I felt him look at me look at my hands, I wasn’t sure how I should answer him. It wasn’t such a big deal even. ‘Depends on your definition of boyfriend,’ I say finally looking up to meet his gaze.

He looked confused by answer, ‘So you had one?’

‘I wouldn’t say I had one…but it was close.’

Now he looked intrigued. ‘Tell me.’

I sigh as I move to lie down on the grass, looking up at the dark sky. There were a few stars and there was a crescent moon. ‘It was early last year. This guy…he’s from another school so you don’t know him. Richard. He calls my number asking for someone else. I tell him he got the wrong number. Then he asked for my name and asked if we could know each other because apparently I have a lovely voice and he wanted to know me better. I figured what the hell, because you know, it’s not like we’d ever meet.

‘About three weeks later, we’re still talking every day and…I don’t know I like it. And apparently he’s also interested because he asks if we can meet up since we live an hour away from each other.’ I close my eyes and smile, ‘I was so excited. Here was a guy who was actually showing interest in me…It was surreal to me. Stupid, I know. So…we plan to meet at this coffee shop that’s kinda halfway for both of us. Well he gets there before me and tells me his wearing a grey shirt and a navy varsity jacket.

‘I get there and see him immediately. He’s actually cute,’ I laugh a bit. ‘So as I walk in, he gives me this look…of disgust and continues to look at the door.’

I pause and I can feel Chris look at me from my side but I don’t want to look at him. ‘I ignore it and head up to him and say hi. He barely looks at me and tells me to get out of his way because he was expecting someone.’ I shake my head and close my eyes again. ‘I guess that should have hurt me. And maybe it did a bit. I walked out of the café and when I’d driven about for five minutes I send him a text. I tell him I didn’t know he was expecting someone else and I wouldn’t have wasted my time driving for thirty minutes just for him to snap at me and barely even look at me. I switch my phone off and change my number the next day. And that was that.’ I open my eyes and look at Chris, smiling.

He doesn’t smile though. He looks a bit…angry. ‘Well he was a jerk. And stupid.’

‘It doesn’t matter. It’s past. So,’ I turn on my side and use my elbow to support my head as I look up at him. ‘It’s my turn. Why do you sleep around so much? Aren’t you scared about contracting some diseases?’ I don’t know where that burst of courage had come from.

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