3-"Eating Out"

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A/n: Whenever the sign (+1) appears (brackets necessary), it means (Y/n) has gain love from the character. Like a video game. You can't really choose what you do, but it just let's you know they love you more. Everyone starts off with 5 when they love you. Love points (LP) are much more valuable than you'd think. Every five LP you get, the love interests "levels up".

The rest of the day went by smoothly, most of which meant I didn't need to use my quirk again. Anyway, it was the end of the day and I was heading out from the school grounds. Surprisingly, this place ain't as bad as expected. Everyone here are pretty chill, well, mostly everyone.

My walk home was the same amount of treacherous as it was this morning. When I finally reached home I entered and immediately threw everything off, which included my bag and my clothes. I head up the stairs and down the hall to one of my many rooms. This room I like to call my bedroom. I swing open the door and bask in the gloriousness of my bedroom. I grab a tank top and shorts and plop onto my bed, pulling them on. I had brought my phone up from downstairs and so I lay back and turn it on.

"Yo, i'm back" I text to (F/n) "How was your first day of school?" I receive. I cringe at the idea of being back in school, although it's already happened "It was good. The people there are better than expected." "Well duh.". I turn off my phone and sigh. Well what now?

Nrggghh didn't I give my phone number to someone- or some people? Who were they again? Only people I like would I give my number to so it was either: Kirishima, Bakugou, or Midoriya. And well maybe Denki, but I don't know if I like him too much yet. Yet. Also it's kinda funny how I like Bakugou even though he's been nothing but a dickhead. But he's cute so +1 I guess.

My phone buzzed in between my fingers and I brought it back to my face. Nope, it was still (F/n). "Yo wanna go for food?" They asked. Mehh I got nothing better to do. "Sure, when?" "soon please I need to get out of my house." "I'll pick you up." and with that I turn off my phone and wrap myself in my blanket. I'll rest for a minute or two, I mean I deserve some sort of break.

Of course, my phone buzzed again. I expected an impatient (F/n), when instead I got a text from an unknown number. Probably one of the kids. I will attempt to identify them by the way they word their texts. "Hey!". HmmmMm... that sounded friendly. Cross out Bakugou I guess. "Yo" I respond. "Don't tell me who you are i'm going to try and figure that out on my own" I finish "Haha ok!" Alright well cross out Midoriya, he seemed to timid to text me like this on the fly. It's most likely Kirishima. "Kirishima?" I text. "Yea!" I get back. Damn his personality is just too perfect. I switch contacts to (F/n) "Is it ok to bring another friend?" I ask "Sure why not" they respond. Cool. I switch back to Kirishima and ask if he wanted to go out to eat with me (+1) "Sure!" I get back. "Ok, i'll pick you up." I respond, setting my phone down.

I get up from my bed and sit at the edge. Wait. I turn on my phone and text Kirishima "Heyy I don't know where you live.". Whilst I wait for a response, I get ready. I literally just changed into my lazy day clothes. I'm not turning back. I'll just go out in these. Kirishima texts me his address. Perfect. I slip on some sneakers, grab my keys, and head out.

Deciding to pick up Kirishima first, I make a turn where I normally wouldn't.

When I arrive at the house, I head up and knock on the door, looking at the exterior. The door is answered by Kirishima. Once he sees me, his face lights up. He smiles brightly and steps out the door, closing it. "Damn, Kiri, you seem happy to see me. We've only known eachother for a day." I say teasingly, smirking. He looks at the ground and laughs nervously, rubbing the back of his neck. "Hehehh yeahh... Well, anyway!" Kirishima grabs my hand and pulls me down the street. "House is that way." I point in the opposite direction. Kirishima nods and turns around sharply, bumping into me. Okay well someones jumpy. He pulls away and aplogizes, shaking his hands. "Gahhh i'm really sorry, (L/n), I just have something on my mind an-" "God, okay, Kiri. Just call me (Y/n). And it's fineee... You're fineee.." I mutter, laughing silently (+1). He looks up to me with a smile "Are you sure I can call you by your first name? Isn't that unprofessional??" he asks, his eyebrow raising. I shrug. I mean it's not like I care. "It doesn't matter. Now c'mon, my friends impatient as fuck." I say, grabbing his hand gently and taking him along down the road.

Soon enough, we arrive at (F/n)'s house. I go up to the door and knock on it harshly and quickly. It startles Kirishima, but he doesn't question. There's muffled yelling and a thud. Then, the door opens revealing (F/n). They stumble out the door and slam it, fumbling with their keys to lock it. Soon, they sigh and look at me, smiling. "Alright, let's get this show on the road!". They look over to Kirishima "Ah, is this that friend?" they ask, eyeing Kirishima curiously. "Yeah, yeah, now let's go. Food's on me!" I answer quickly, turning on my heel and marching pridefully down the street. (F/n) laughs "Well I was expecting it to be!".

Ah then it hits me. Kirishima. I can't just commit a crime in front of his very eyes! Dammit. Well at least I have money. Because well, I don't spend it.

We soon arrive at the food place. It smells of grease. That's nice. We enter the building and find a seat. Man, I love food.

Kirishima's Pov

This.. This is awkward. I mean, being with someone you know, and someone you don't at the same time is destined to be awkward.

(Y/n) talks with (F/n) a lot. I found out their name by some conversation they were having. Randomly, (Y/n) turns to me and grabs my hand tightly, smiling "God even you dozing off is adorable!" he says happily (+1). My face heats up. Dang. "U-Uh.. Thank-.. you?.." I utter, cocking an eyebrow. (Y/n) rests his head on my shoulder, still smiling. Wha- (F/n) looks as though they were holding in laughter. Soon, the waiter returns with our food. (Y/n) gets up and begins eating. I take a moment to process, before beginning to eat, too. (Y/n) is a strange individual.

The rest of the time goes by smoothly. (Y/n) has been including me a bunch in the conversations, making things much less awkward. Soon, we're given the bill. (F/n) eyes (Y/n) cautiously. (Y/n) shakes his head and gets his bag, pulling out enough yen to pay for the meal. (F/n) looks disappointed. They gaze at me and it looks like they realized something. That's-.. weird?

Later, (Y/n) insisted on walking me home, which inevitably made my face heat up intensely. Maybe Mina was right. But that just doesn't make sense! I've only known him for like-what? A day! It's so weird??

When we reach my house, (Y/n) hugs me softly (+1). I hug back willingly. "Thanks. That was one of my favourite times going out to eat." (Y/n) mutters, squeezing me gently. "Hah! Yeah I had fun, too!" I say happily. It was a good time. I did have a good time!

Me and (Y/n) release each other and I bid my goodbye, entering my home.

3rd person Pov

(Y/n) waves before walking down the street back to his house. 'Good to know Kirishima thinks of me as a friend.' (Y/n) smiles to himself, unlocking the front door and entering. 'Sadly I had to actually use money to pay for the food. But meh'

The male pulls off his shoes and socks and fumbles his way to his bedroom, falling onto the bed and wrapping himself in his blankets, almost immediately falling asleep.

Loves (Y/n) (L/n)

-Kirishima Eijiro (Love points=9)

Colours [Bnha x Male Reader]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora