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Alarm clocks. One of my least favourite things.

I turn over and turn off my alarm with a groan. I'm still not used to waking up this early, but i've only been in U.A for a day so what'dya expect.

Once I pry myself from the sweet comfort of my bed, I do my daily routine. Take a shower, brush my teeth, fix my hair, make breakfast, and leave. When I'm out the door I start thinking about getting a car. Any way to get to school faster. Eugh just the thought of walking to school like an actual teenager is weird.

It took me some time, but i've finally made it to the large building. I sigh, going to walk in. The halls are slightly more isolated then usual, but it happens, I guess. I've missed a lot of the main events that went down here. I heard they got ambushed by villains near the beginning of school, and I missed the sports festival, too. It's a shame, really.

Finally, I reach class 1-A. I enter the classroom and scan the teens. I walk to my desk to set my shit down. Kirishima walks by and greets me, before heading off to do something else. Right, so, if we're playing the cliché story arc, this means I need to make more friends? Ugh my life's not a novel, so I don't have to make friends. But- the power of cliché's might be a bit too strong for me. Ehhhhh.... I'll just get closer to some people. I take a quick scan of the class again, and the first person i'm able to land my eyes on is Midoriya! We have a winner. I walk to Midoriya "Hey." I greet. He flinches and turns around, wide-eyed. I think I scared him. He relaxes "O-Oh, hey (L/n)." he murmurs, smiling gently. I smile too "Hey, again,". He looks around for a second "Y'know you're really cute?" (+1) I mutter leaning down slightly. He looks at me before flushing a soft pink "A-A-Ah.. Uhm. Thank.. you?" he mutters, looking at the ground. I chuckle and straighten up, stretching. People call me straight-forward for a reason, right?

Suddenly, the bell rings. I go to take my seat. Aiziwa is here and class has started.

Everything is a blur. I don't and never wanted to be a hero. Too much work. Actually listening and taking notes doesn't matter. I can get whatever I want, really, and no one can stop me. I literally have unlimited power. How better can life be?! Well okay maybe not against colour-blind people and stuff but still-..

If anything I could probably catch some Z's with no repercussion.. and with that being said...
Midoriya's Pov

(L/n) has fallen asleep... I'm only a little tempted to wake him up. But, other than that small amount, he looks really peaceful sleeping. No taunting look on his face. No smug smirk... just him in a relaxed position... Well, don't get me wrong! His smiles are amazing! Ah- yeah.. But him relaxed is almost just as great.

After a while, I realized i've just been staring at him, and instantly start paying attention again. Gah, it's not my fault his face is so distracting...

Soon enough, the bell that signifies lunch rings. (L/n) is still knocked out cold. I rise from my desk and awkwardly shuffle past classmates towards him. Once I reach his desk, I tap him on the shoulder lightly. Hm. Heavy sleeper I guess.. I gently shake him. Uh.. I shake him a little rougher. At last, his eyes flutter open as he sits up and yawns, stretching. Once he's fully recovered from his sleep daze, he smiles at me. I awkwardly smile back, folding my hands in front of me. "Thanks for waking me, cutie." (L/n) stands up, glancing around the room. I nod, my face heating up. "Oh, i'm gunna be going out to eat today, wanna come?" (+1) He walks out the class with me following. We're allowed to do that? I mean I guess we are.. "Sure." I mumble, still looking at the ground. "Aw, c'mon, Midoriya. You gotta get better at eye contact." he stops walking and grabs my face, making me look at him. "See? You have such pretty eyes! I wanna see em' more." (+1) he releases me and continues walking. I stand there for a moment, processing what he did. Suddenly, my face erupts in heat as I speedily walk back up to his side, taking a large gulp.

Just now did I realize we were out of school ground and nearing a small café. (L/n) doesn't seem like the type to like small café's like this, but don't judge a book by it's cover, I guess.

We enter said café and find a spot. He sits down and sighs, looking at the menu that was above the ordering counter. I shift awkwardly, pursing my lips and looking out the window. "Whatya want?" he asks abruptly. I shake my head "N-nothing.". He cocks an eyebrow and looks at me "Nothing? Aw c'mon it's my treat." (+1) his expression softens as he leans over the table. "N-no it's fine, I can get myself something." I check my pockets and pull out some cash to see what I have... ehm.. I have ¥184.. (L/n) seems to notice this and groans "C'mon, Izuku, you can't get shit with that. Or, any good shit that is." he leans back in his chair. "Well, h-how much do you have? I-I don't want to be wasting any money." (L/n) looks a bit uneasy for a second, before snapping back "It doesn't matter how much money I have. I have enough to get you anything you want and more. Now order, my treat." he says, narrowing his eyebrows. Ahh!-- "O-Okay! I'll- uh..." he looks at me expectantly "I'll take anything!". He groans again, before standing up and walking off. Oh.. Did I make him mad? Oh no..

A minute later, (L/n) returns with a strawberry cheesecake, and (Y/f). He slides the cheesecake towards me while smiling. (+1) I look at him, then back down at the cake, before hesitantly picking up a small fork and picking off a piece of it. (L/n) seems to have already started eating, and so I eat the cake piece. It's really good! I continue to eat.

When i'm done, I look up to face (L/n) staring at me. I feel my face flush as I look to the side. How long has he been staring at me for?? He reaches in with a napkin and wipes my face "You got sauce all over your mouth." He laughs softly. I flush more. "A-Ah. You don't need to wipe my face for me.." I grab his wrist and pull my face back slightly. He sighs and nods, leaning back. "Right. Well how was the food?" He asks, smiling. I look at the empty plate "I-It was good. Yours?" I look back up. "Delicious." he winks. (+1) I laugh awkwardly, looking down again. "Midoriya. Eye contact." (L/n) says, leaning onto the table. I nod, biting the inside of my cheek as I turn to look (L/n) in the eye. He smiles, his eyes half-way lidding. "Your eyes look like they're shining... It's really sweet." (+1) he mutters, resting his head on his left hand. I swallow the lump I held in my throat, trying to maintain eye contact. Luckily, he sighs and looks out the window. I take the opportunity to look back down at the plate.

(Y/n)'s Pov

I look back at Midoriya, who was looking at his empty plate. I pull out my phone and check the time. We have a few minutes left, although i'm going to assume Midoriya is the kind to go at least a little earlier than rest. Eh, whatever. We can go back now.

I rise from the seat "Alright, cutie, let's go." I mutter, pushing my chair in with my foot. He nods, standing up as well, muttering a small 'ok'.

We both exit the café and start back to U.A. Midoriya side glances me a few times. I close my eyes to just feel the breeze. It's relaxing. Hmm...

-Obtained 1.

Midoriya Izuku has joined your party!

Loves (L/n) (Y/n)

-Kirishima Eijirou (Love points=9)
-Midoriya Izuku (Love points=8)

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