28 | Living Room

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"You're an idiot! You're both fucking idiots. That must be why you're so bloody perfect for each other, you're both dumbasses."

Niall was red in the face, his hands gesturing wildly as he paced back and forth in front of Harry, who was sat on his sofa.

"And management. Don't get me started on management. 'Accidentally' leaked pictures my arse."

Harry sighed, leaning his head back onto the cushion behind him. Niall had been at it for three minutes now, going on and on and on about absolutely everything and nothing at the same time. 

It had been a surprise when Niall showed up on his doorstep, an annoyed expression on his face as he ranted about how 'Oliver fucking Smith is an A class asshole.'. Then he'd somehow turned his attention to Harry and that relationship thing-y he'd had with Louis four months ago. And now it seemed that Niall was about to start on the inconvenience that was the 'leaked' private photos of Harry that had been taking over the internet.

Harry was already frustrated enough. He didn't need Niall running a hole into his newly vacuumed carpet. And he definitely didn't need to be reminded of everything that was going wrong in his life. He was sick of everything. It didn't matter if it was his singleness, the shattered status of his relationship with someone who was supposed to be his best friend, his privacy being breached by some idiot wanting to post pictures of him in bed, or fame itself. Harry was tired.

The band had just announced a hiatus, which had been suggested by Harry himself. It had come as a surprise to Charlie, Liam and Niall, but they had taken it with stride, and agreed. They deserved a break. Especially after Oliver had royally screwed them over. 

"You know what?"Niall was still going, despite Harry having zoned out. "I'm calling Eli. He'll be able to help me."

Harry, having realised that he seemed to have missed quite an important part of Niall's speech, looked up at him in confusion, "Help you with what?"

Niall stared blankly at Harry, his phone in his hand, contacts open. "Getting you and Louis back together. Weren't you listening?"

Harry didn't have time to answer, as Niall held up and finger. He lifted the phone to his ear, returning to his pacing.

"Yeah, hey." Niall spoke into his phone. Harry could only hear Niall's side of the conversation, but he still listened carefully.


"Of course not."

"Bloody hell, this isn't the fucking Titanic, mate." 

"Have you had any progress?" 

"Well, that sucks." 

"You should stop taking advantage of him in this state. He's heartbroken."

"No, Harry's still an idiot."

"Yes, we should have them meet up."

"I think that's too far away."

"As soon as possible, I think."

"Oh, I wouldn't want to impose on something like that.

"Yeah, okay. See you in an hour."

Harry, who had been listening intently shot up with a look of panic on his face. "What?"

Niall hung up the phone, ignoring Harry's screech. He took a hold of Harry's bicep and yanked him up from the couch. "We're leaving in half-an-hour. If you're not ready by then, I'm dragging you out the door. I don't care if your hair is in a towel, or if you're naked. So hurry."

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