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I'm A Rare One @reddirectionfan

@Louis_Tomlinson Have you heard? @Harry_Styles admitted that he thinks you're fit. He thinks you're talented, and he'd snog you if given the chance.

marieee @lovemeplease

I saw that interview @reddirectionfan! This is the first time I've ever thought of @Louis_Tomlinson and @Harry_Styles as a couple, but honestly, they'd be so cute. It'd be like a love-hate relationship. Yass.

I'm A Rare One @reddirectionfan

I can just picture it @lovemeplease! We just need a ship name now. Got anything @ship_names?

All The Ships @ship_name

I got you @reddirectionfan @lovemeplease! So, we've got #larry and #houis for the first names. #tyles and #stylinson for their last names. You can decide which ones to use.

marieee @lovemeplease

I LOVE #larrystylinson @ship_name @reddirectionfan. Thank you! This is my new OTP!

I'm A Rare One @reddirectionfan

YASSS @lovemeplease @ship_name!! #larrystylinson for the win!

• • •

TommoTomlinson @zaynieboy

I've never really liked @onedirection, because of the feud with @redpanic, but now, I'm seriously shipping #larrystylinson. I don't even know why, but @Harry_Styles and @Louis_Tomlinson would actually be so cute together. How didn't I see it sooner?

living for charlie @mrsedwards

I know what you mean @zaynieboy! I'm actually GETTING ALONG with Red Panic fans, and it's all because of #larrystylinson! Like, how has this not been a thing before?

TommoTomlinson @zaynieboy

This is going to unite two fandoms who have never gotten along before, it's amazing @mrsedwards! #larrystylinson


Harry Styles @Harry_Styles

Things are kind of blowing up around here

Eli Williams @elliotwilliam92

Yeah , cause you revealed your love for my boy tommo in an interview two days ago @Harry_Styles . How'd you not pick up on that ?

Oliver Smith @smithsmoothie

Maybe that's the reason he tweeted in the first place @elliotwilliam92. Ever think of that? And also, he did not reveal his 'love'. We were playing a game for an interview.

Eli Williams @elliotwilliam92

The boy literally went on a rant , going on about how amazing Lou is @smithsmoothie . If that's not a crush , then I don't know what it . Plus , Zayn's a bit annoyed with how you said that you'd "definitely snog Perrie".

Louis Tomlinson @Louis_Tomlinson

Just leave them be @elliotwilliam92

Oliver Smith @smithsmoothie

OMG SOMETHING HAPPENED TO LOUIS! Glad to know you've finally grown up @Louis_Tomlinson

Harry Styles @Harry_Styles

Seriously @smithsmoothie. You can stop now.

• • •

[A/N] I just want to add, because I forgot to on the last chapter, but Harry is openly gay in this. People have been speculating about Louis' sexuality for years, and almost all of his fans are sure that he's gay (or bisexual). And also, none of the boys actually hate each other.

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