19 | Messages

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Harry: Merry christmas, Lou x

Harry: See you at New years

Louis: Merry Xmas, love. See you soon ❤

Harry: xx

Louis: xxxx

• • •


Zayn: Why was I added to this? I'm not even in your band?

Niall: Well, i'm sorry i was being nice

Zayn: oh, no I don't mind, I'm just wondering why

Liam: we need to all be in contact, especially since harry and louis are together

Zayn: i thought they weren't actually together, tho. louis just says they're together so that nobody gets confused.

Zayn: and why aren't they in this chat?

Oliver: WHAt?

Niall: harry doesn't want to go through what he did with tom. so they're just keeping it casual

Niall: also, they aren't in this so they don't know we're talking about them behind their backs

Theo: well

Theo: that was stupid of them. louis got so defensive about their 'relationship' when i expressed my opinion on it.

Liam: so they're not together?

Charlie: r we just going to talk about larry all day? no! i'm trying to open presents here

Elliot: RIGHT it's still christmas for u guys. it's already boxing day here

Niall: where r u?

Elliot: aus

Zayn: how was the hot christmas eli?

Elliot: hot. very hot. and rainy which was shit

Liam: why is australia so weird?

Elliot: mate, only australians are allowed to call australia weird. k?

Oliver: hahaha. australians are crazy

Charlie: what did the man just say ollie?

Zayn: this is getting out of hand. 

Zayn: MERRY CHRISTMAS. goodbye

Niall: Bye Zayn!

Liam: Merry christmas

Theo: merry xmas lads

Charlie: happy festive season

Oliver: fucking loser

Charlie: oi watch urself bich

Niall: for gods sake. how much longer r u 2 gonna fight 4?

Oliver: when he apologises!

Charlie: i literally didnt do anything!

Theo: what's going on?

Oliver: yes you did. son of a bitch

Liam: stop it you two

Elliot: I don't know theo

Zayn: I'm back cause this seems like a big deal. what's going on?

Niall: don't worry about it

Oliver: you're a fucking asshole charlie. just admit you did what you did and maybe ill forgive you

Theo: ok what did he do?

Oliver: he slept with my girlfriend

Zayn: well...

Elliot: that escalated quickly

Liam: idiots. you do realise you're in a group chat with three guys in our rival band, right?

Charlie: i didnt sleep with Lily. for fucks sake. and u still won't tell me where you got that information from.

Niall: kay I'm deleting this chat now.

Theo: BYEEEEE then


• • •

Zayn: never knew there were so many issues with 1d

Elliot: i know what you mean. holy shit.

Louis: What are you talking about?

Theo: oliver thinks charlie slept with his girlfriend. and i think harry's relationship with his ex had a few issues.

Elliot: yeh you might wanna be careful there lou

Louis: nah. it's fine. i already know all about harry and tom. even met him when i was staying at harry's a few days ago.

Zayn: ur so jealous. aren't you?

Louis: he's fucking GORGEOUS. and harry's gorgeous. and together they were gorgeous. and yes i was jealous.

Louis: I mean i know tom's dating someone else now, and that him and harry are just friends but i felt so self-conscious the whole time him and his girlfriend visited.

Theo: kay. 

Elliot: We also learnt that u and harry aren't actually together.

Louis: we're casual

Theo: i give it three months before louis insists that they actually get together. up for it eli?

Elliot: i say six months and harry's the first to want to be exclusive.

Theo: $10?

Elliot: deal.

Louis: wtf guys.

Zayn: 😂😂

Zayn: can i bet that one of them is gonna slip up and call each other their boyfriend in an interview or on stage?

Louis: honestly.

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