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Theo: where r u?

Theo: lou?

Eli: Seriously lou where r u?

Theo: he's probs still with harry

Eli: no doubt about it

Theo: i don't get their relationship

Eli: i kno. wasnt louis just telling us that him and harry wanted different things?

Theo: i mean that was a month ago but ye

Zayn: Guys, stop.

Zayn: Louis and Harry are perfectly fine. Leave them be.

Eli: u haven't seen the tabloids, have u?

Theo: shit got real

Theo: managements pissed

Zayn: Shit.

Louis: Seriously guys, stop blowing up my phone. I'm trying to relax here.

Zayn: Did you know about the picture Harry posted in instagram?

Louis: Yeah. I gave him my permission to post it.

Eli: so u know that u just came out, right?

Theo: tony and robert are so pissed.

Eli: it got worse when he deleted it, tho

Louis: He didn't delete it. Neither of us have touched our phones since he posted it. What are you talking about?

Zayn: It got deleted twenty minutes after it was posted.

Louis: Well neither of us deleted it. I was fine having it up.

Eli: maybe he snuck off and deleted it or something.

Theo: i don't think harry is good for u

Louis: Well

Louis: What a change of topic.

Theo: its true tho. ur in a relationship with a guy who doesn't want to be in a relationship. thats not healthy

Louis: Trust me, Theo

Louis: Harry and I are in a relationship. We worked stuff out. Get outta my business.

Theo: fine.

• • •

Harry: Why did you delete the post? Why did you even go into my account in the first place?

Oliver: Because Tomlinson isn't good for you, Harry.

Harry: I gave you my password for when I forget it. Not so that you could go in and sabotage my posts.

Oliver: Harry you have to understand.

Oliver: You just revealed that you're in a relationship with a member of our rival band. That relationship is going to become the front cover of this band. Everything you do is going to be related back to them now. More than it used to. People are going to assume that it's publicity. I don't want you to be at the receiving end of that kind of hate.

Harry: I know that, Oliver. I understand that. I've already spoken to Louis about it, and we both decided that we wanted to announce our relationship.

Harry: You had no right going into MY account, and deleting that picture.

Oliver: You might have spoken to Louis about it, but you should have come to us as well. 

Harry: Just leave me alone right now, Olli. I'll talk to you another time.

𝐑𝐈𝐕𝐀𝐋𝐒 ⟶ 𝐥𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐲 𝐬𝐭𝐲𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐨𝐧.जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें