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Louis: Okay, so I know we both agreed to make this a casual thing, but I kind of can't do that.

Harry: Why? What's up?

Louis: I really like you, and just casually having sex isn't good enough for me.

Harry: Oh.

Harry: I thought you'd find it easier just having a casual relationship, since you haven't come out yet.

Louis: Yeah, but I know what I am, and I'm okay with that. 

Louis: And I know that I like you.

Harry: I like you too.

Harry: But it's kind of hard, isn't it? I mean, we're in two successful boybands, travelling the world for most of the year. A relationship would be hard to keep up with. That's why being casual is just easier. So when we're both together, we hook up, and then we go back to the road, without leaving behind a relationship.

Louis: Wow.

Harry: What?

Louis: Guess that's the difference between us then. I'm willing to go to the trouble of being in a relationship with you. I'm willing to take the hard road, because you make me happy. But here you are, wanting to do what's easy.

Louis: Seriously, Harry. Do you want to do what you want, or do you want to do what's easiest, even if it's not what you want?

Louis: Don't wait for me at the hotel tonight. I'm gonna go stay with the boys at Eli's.

Harry: I'm sorry, Lou.


Harry: I don't know what to do Niall!

Niall: What's up, Haz.

Harry: We were only 'together' for a week, Niall. But I just felt something with him, you know? I've never felt that way before, and I really liked him. But I think I just ruined it.

Niall: Who are we talking about?

Niall: Wait, Louis? I'm guessing it's Louis.

Niall: When were you going to tell me that you were dating Louis Tomlinson?

Harry: I'm not. I'd like to, but I think I just ruined that chance.

Niall: What happened? 

Niall: From the start, please.

Harry: Well, it was at the amas after party, and we dance together. Then we started talking, and then I said something about kissing him, and he kissed me, and then we went back to his hotel. I don't remember much, since I was drunk, but we slept together. I left the next morning, after we agreed to see each other again.

Harry: That's why I stayed behind when you flew over here. We just acted like a proper couple for two days, and then we flew over together. That's also why I'm staying at a different hotel. I was staying with him.

Niall: Where is this going? 

Harry: Well, we spoke on the morning before the Arias, and we both agreed that we'd just be casual. I suggested it.


Harry: Because being in an actual relationship would be really hard. You saw how I was with Tom. I'm clingy, and I hate leaving. I practically forced Tom to come on tour with us, because I couldn't be away from him for too long.

Niall: But Tom liked coming on tour with us.

Harry: Yeah, but Louis wouldn't be able to. He's in his own band, and he's on his own tours. I just figured that it'd be easier to be casual, so that it would just be hook ups, and no proper commitment.

Niall: And what did Louis think about that?

Harry: He texted me half an hour ago, changing his mind, saying that being casual wouldn't be enough for him. It's not enough for me either, but I just thought it'd be easier. But then he said that he was willing to go to the extra lengths to be in a relationship with me.

Niall: What did you say?

Harry: I didn't say anything, I was too shocked. And now he's not coming back to the hotel tonight, and I don't know what to do because I really like him.

Niall: You're an idiot, you know that?

Harry: Yeah.

Niall: You've messed up big time.


Niall: Sup, it's Niall Horan. 

Louis: How'd you get my number?

Niall: How'd you think?

Louis: Harry.

Louis: If you're here to tell me I was too harsh, I don't wanna hear it.

Niall: Nope. You were the right one in this situation. Harry's just an idiot.

Louis: So, why did you text me?

Niall: Because Harry's too scared to do it himself. He really likes you, Louis. He's just scared of being tied down again.

Louis: Why though?

Niall: Because whenever he's in a proper relationship, he gets really clingy. When he was with his ex, he couldn't last a week without him, and practically forced the guy onto tour with us. And with Tom, it was okay, because he loved travelling. But with you, it's different. You're in your own band, and you're doing your own tours.

Louis: Oh.

Niall: I've seen him when he spends too long away from partner. He gets proper sad, and it's horrible to witness. The only times he even looks happy is when he's on stage, or calling his boyfriend. He knows that being in a relationship with you will effect his mental health. He's just putting his well being above his feelings.

Louis: Yeah, I can understand that.

Louis: With my ex, I was constantly checking up on him. I'm not clingy per say. But I always had to make sure that he was alright.

Niall: Wow. You and Harry are like, the perfect fit for each other. He needs someone to look after him, and you need someone to care for. I can see why he likes you so much.

Louis: Tell him I'll meet him at the hotel in 30

Niall: kay. see ya

Louis: Bye.

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