Imagine 10:How To Be A Heartbreaker

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Reader is a loner and popular!Gerard at lunch admits his crush for her and Gerard hears all the other boys make fun of the boy and insult Reader Gerard Stands up for her and kiss Reader in lunch

A/N: I just watched I dude eat a lightbulb and a raw fish. I have no life lol.

Gerard's POV

I have a crush. But not just a normal crush. I'm in love with the school loner Y/N L/N. Who has three friends she hangs out with all the time and no one else,to me she's perfect.

But there's one problem, I'm not allowed to like her. In my high school seniors and the rulers. Me and my "friends" are seniors and they like to bully people that are like us. We wear pastel colors and all sit together. There's a group of girls exactly like us, that's who we're allowed to date.

I've kept my crush secret from 6 years, and today it slipped out.

It all started at lunch,

*Flashback to lunch*

I was sitting with my friends,at the opposite lunch table were the girls all wearing all purple, pink, or yellow pastel dress. Boys were in love with them. It was the rule, we had to like those girls, and no other. Or else we were weirdos, That's what happened to Frank, Ray, and Mikey. They liked Y/N friends and got thrown out of our group, that was a month ago, haven't talked to them since. Even though Mikey was my brother I barley talk to him. We sat perfectly around the long circular lunch table,in our blue and green pastel clothes. Then, all of a sudden a girl in all black made her way with three girls, through the brightly colored crowd. Glances were thrown, rumors were spread, and not once did the girls care.

The boys snickered, "Look it's Emo!" Shouted Tyler. " Holy looks like she just killed someone!" Jake laughed. ( not Tyler Joseph)

I don't know how but this escalated into who had a crush on who.

" Ok, ok. I have crush on Abby!" Luke Exclaimed. "Bro! I dare you to ask her out!" Joe gasped.( not Trohman)

He made his way over to a girl with curly brown hair in a pink pastel dress.

More Boys confessed until Dan asked me who I liked with a grimacing smile, he knew. I didn't tell him! Ugh, what a douche!

"Uhhhh," I stumbled over my words. They never quit trying, then it slipped out.

"Wait, what,um, no, fine. ilikey/n." Oh crap I'm dead.

Looks of disgust and laughter came from the boys. People thought I was joking.

"I'll prove it, look." I stood up

I went over to the back of the cafeteria, I tapped Y/N on the back. She look confused and stood up. I grabbed her face and we melted into a kiss. The boys looked upset, disgusted, and ashamed, I saw Mikey, Frank,, and Ray. Mikey was ecstatic. Maybe this wasn't so bad after all. The kiss ended and the entire cafeteria was looking at us.

I like you too. Thank you for making my life complete!" Y/N said and her and her friends walked out of the cafeteria.

that was the last time i saw her

oof that was sad

Note to the kids at my school:

This was based off of people's options of me and what happens when I walk into a room. If you ever see someone different don't point out their flaws shut you mouth for once instead.

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