Imagine 9:Bite Her

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Gee is Vampire and is forced to bite her and she is in shock but thinks it is cool and is happy to see him and they kiss


It's been 5 days since Gerard got kidnapped. I have barely spoken, me and Gerard were at second base. We weren't dating, yet we've kissed before and almost fucked but that was it.

I miss him, at school (you're a high school senior) we would always be with each other. I would hang out with Frank,Ray,and Mikey too, but now I've become more of a loner. I HATE it. I cry everyday and night.

Tonight, is the night I find him. I have a suspicion of who kidnapped him. It's Ryan, Ryan Ross, My ex boyfriend..

He's moved on and is now dating Brendon, but he wants to get back at me, it's so obvious, he still likes me.

I'm pretty sure he's a vampire but that's another story. I'll tell you after I told him I wanted to break up this dicker grabbed my wrist and tried to bite me.

Hella weird. Brendon is my cousin and I low for sure he's a vampire. It's pretty common in my town. We have vampire hunters. I'm not gonna fat them out, I'm gonna Kill Ryan myself. It's easy peasy pumpkin peasy, Pumpkin Pie Motherfucker.

Oh god Gerard said that at a party. I miss him. I remember so well tho. He was playing kickball with the boys. (😆 kill me)

I'm packing my bag with a wooden stake, a knife, a gun, and my phone.

This is going to be a wild ride.

Ryan's house was a block from mine, so I'm going to walk. He had a ladder by a window last time a checked and I can get in through there.

I have one lead on where Gerard is in Ryan's house he has a secret room in his basement that is kinda a torcher room. I may or may not have stumbled into it accidentally and only have told Frank.

I'm partially terrified but I miss Gerard and I'll do anything for him.

Oh wait, I just thought what if Ryan turned Gee. Oh shit this isn't good. I need to go NOW. If I don't get there soon won't get Gerard back with  normal self.

I set off running down the street in the sidewalk. My thought were swirling through my head. I'm so worried for Gerard.

As soon as I knew it I was at Ryan's house. All the lights were off but the ladder was still there. Thank the heavens.

I sprinted over to the unsteady ladder and started to climb up it.

I was fast at first but the ladder almost fell. I couldn't make any noise at ALL or I could get caught.

I finally made it to the second story window. I looked up. The moon was out, it was full. Some clouds were remising in the sky. The sky was dark blue. It was going to rain soon.

The window of the second floor was unlocked and I made it in with one tiny creaking noise.

The house was completely empty. Dust on the floor, so much that if you walked you left a dust trail on the brown wooden floor.

The walls were painted a darker shade of green. Not to dark though, hopefully you get the picture. I walked out of the room that had no door. The white door frame sparkled in the moon light.
It had a pleasant but eerie presence.

Glass what shattered on the ground from the front upstairs window you could see the other houses on the street. Then the street lights turned off. I don't know why but they did. Now only the moon light could guide me.

I'm about to go down the stairs and I heard a scream. It was muffled.

"Gerard." I whispered.

A single tear came down my cheek.

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