Imagine 1:Watch Out Part 1!!

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(Y/ N) POV
I was walking to my local target to buy some groceries. My hand was clutching the paper with all of the items I needed to purchase. It was terribly windy out so my (H/C) hair was blowing in the wind. All of a sudden I saw a man with long black hair standing in the middle of the cross walk.
The guy was though he wasn't supposed to be there!! The light was still green!!But as I looked in shock my peripheral vision picked up something in the corner of my eye. A WHITE CAR CAME BOLTING DOWN THE STREET!!!

The woman had long brown hair put in a bun with HUGE black sunglasses on. Her skin was a little tan but not too much. She was very pretty but I saw she was texting someone on her phone! I couldn't stand for someone to get hit. Especially when they are trying to do it on purpose and the car hit them because the driver was an idiot looking at her phone. I didn't even know this man and I even am going to give up my target time to go and save him. I dropped the list and ran as quick as I could and pushed the man out of the way (lol Way) and he shot a flabbergasted look. (BIG WORDS!)

The woman finally looked up and saw me pushing the man out of the way. She tried to swerve away from me because duh she didn't my to get a law suit. But the next few seconds were in slow mo for me the lady tried to move and the man tried to grab me but suddenly I felt a huge impact on my side and saw black.

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