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"I was out with friends and I left!! I fell in a lake and went shopping to get clean clothes!!"
"Fuck off, mom!!" I ran up stairs and slammed my door shut.
I locked my door and flopped on my bed.
Pictures on my wall, with Frank Gerard Lindsey Mikey...
"I'm sorry." I ripped the picture off the wall.
My tears fell into the picture.
"I'm so sorry Gerard," I ripped myself out the picture, throwing it away in the trash can.
"I'm horrible. I know I am.."
Walking into school the next day was horrible.
Everyone backed away from me because they probably heard what happened with Rachel and Peterude.
I bumped into someone, realizing it was asswipe, Chris.
He frowned at me. "Why did you tell my mom that?"
I didn't say anything.
He grabbed me by the wrist and walked me into a closet, shutting the door looking loudly.
I flinched.
"You've been a bad girl." He tried to say seductively.
It didn't work well.
It just resulted in me raising an eyebrow and chuckling.
"Yeah wow. Not like you haven't been a fucking bad asshole."
He let out an agent huff and slammed his lips into mine.
I kicked him in the shin making him back away.
"Stop. Please don't. Not again." The fear washed over me quickly.
He smirked.
I know I use that word a lot, BUT HE ALWays  fREAKING  DOES!
"Why not?"
I tried to unlock the closet door, but failed as my hands were shaking.
He forcefully took off my shirt and pants and soon every price of clothing I had on me.
And he did it again.
But this time I couldn't think, I could only watch the amount of pleasure he was having for using me as a sex toy.
He left after that.
I was left to pick up my clothes  and put them back on.
I put on my sunglasses to hide my face.
It's been going on for three weeks now.
He uses me 2 times a week.
I'm sick of it.
It's the same procedure.
I'm apparently a 'bad girl' and then he does it.
What happened to Rachel and Peterude?
They hate me now.
But I'm okay with that.
Who needs people like them in their life?
But asswipe is still stuck around, I'm actually surprised he's not bored off me yet.
Does he like seeing my pain or something?
Yes probably.
"Hey." Asswipe walked towards me.
I broke down crying In the middle of the hallway at school.
"don't do it again." I sobbed.
"What's wrong baby?" He patted me on the head.
I was now technically crying into his crotch, which gave people wide eyes.
I instantly flinched back and started running.
I'be always been running.
Running away from people and my problems.
But my legs just wouldn't cooperate and stopped when I got to the top of the stairs.
It's great timing when someone who you love just walks past.
Someone who you want to protect, but you are too weak too.
Gerard Arthur Way.
I was panting when I was up the top of the steps.
He was about to go down the steps but now couldn't since I was blocking his Way.
I looked up at him.
His greasy, shoulder length black hair which covered a part of his face.
His pointy small nose.
Tiny teeth.
Hazel eyes.
amazing eyebrows.
His black hoodie with his black sunny jeans and converse.
But that beautiful face had cuts and bruises on them.
Meanwhile I had my blonde hair which (looked now un healthy) was dyed by aswipes  choice, my (E/C) eyes and my (S/C) skin.
(Did that make sense??)
I was dressed in pink by asswipes choice and purple heels.
I would never personally wear that.
But my face was stained with tears,y makeup running.
Hair tangled.
Me and Gerard look like complete opposites.
Slut. (Me)
Nice wonderful boy. (Gerard).
That could never match.
"G-Gerard." I stood up, taking a step up and straightening myself up.
I was still shorter than him in these ugly ass heels.
He didn't talk.
He walked down the stairs not looking back.
Again I broke down crying.

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