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Adeline smiled nervously. She couldn't believe it, Adeline had saved Gerard's number in her phone and left the wedding hastily. Why would she want to stick around for that troublemaker wedding crasher?

She had a second chance.

She could start over.

She could try again.

What more could she possibly want? Adeline wasn't going to question it. They were going to leave soon though, he was living in this alternative world so unaware of her— well- not her but of how she and he were. It was weird.

Adeline frowned, becoming more in tuned with that realization: He didn't know.

She'd have to start all over. Every memory they shared, exchanged glances, touch... everything.

Just a intelligent construction of her imagination now.

That stung at the phantom tears in her body from the nonexistent crash from the night she died. She shivered in thought. She had died. That was so odd. She slipped into blackness and then there she was.

Was it fate?

It didn't matter anyway. Adeline looked at her phone far away from her reach right above her radiator. That's not a safe place to keep it... She arose and walked over from the table to grab it. At her touch it lit up, what a coincidence.

It was Gerard. She saved his number this time.

Gerard: Hey so I was wondering if you maybe wanted to meet up? i was heading out to get coffee but idk if you're busy I understand.

She blinked. Feeling a warm feeling washing down her back.

Adeline: What???
Adeline: Yeah!
Adeline: I'd be down.

Gerard: Alright cool. I'm gonna go to Coffee Royalé, meet you there in... say 15?

Adeline: Yep! Fifteen it is.

Adeline stood in the coffee-chain parking-lot. Holding her breath, panicking, trying to gather her cool. She was breaking down upon arrival.

She had one shot really, she would had to make it count.

That was all she needed.

A sliver of hope.

It was enough.

There were people crowding around the place, no doubt because of Gerard. She made her way in carefully, coiling passed boys and girls trying to get to him, My Chem wasn't a boy band with millions of fans recognizing and swooning over them wherever they went.

But that didn't really matter.

She made sure to cover her tracks when she went out with him today. Texting her brother that she was going to the gym so he wouldn't even have the idea of her associating with Gerard.

He was super naive for thinking that though... She still couldn't believe he fell for it.

Going to the gym.


Inhale. Exhale. These two commands repeated in her head approached the man inside, Gerard, who was hunched over a table signing an autograph on a piece of napkin for two girls hovering over him. She waited behind them. Because it would be easy to just show Gerard she was there and hope he'd just wave the girls away— but neither she or he were like that of course- that's not what they were about.

Then the girls proceeded to vibrate against each other side by side as they spoke to him.

Adeline had seen the number of fans at Hard Rock and Projekt but, she never saw anything on such an intimate scale before. They thanked him for saving their lives... What a heavy notion, his entire being was responsible for whether or not someone chose to end it...

Kill Your Heroes: A My Chemical Romance FicWhere stories live. Discover now