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No Type — New Beat Fund

Adeline stood there in a suit and tank top, uncertain still why she was standing at attention with the rest of the group members with water-guns. Mikey was barking orders like a general to his soldiers.

You could tell a lot about a guy by the types of swim trunks they wore. Gerard had on a firetruck red pair; Ray was wearing a creme colored pair with flowers patterned across it; Frank had checkered black and white trunks; Mikey wore a plain, bright white and Bob had what looked like tattoo-art women on his. All matching in white t-shirts.
What does that tell you?

Adeline listened to her friend, but couldn't help but feel eyes tugging at her. From the furthest corners of her peripheral vision, she saw Gerard. He had desperate eyes. He was barely blinking, but when the gloss was lost in his eyes he would allow them to flutter.
She shot him a pretty irritated glance and he diverted his gaze.

“Tonight the bands are celebrating the last week of playing here, in Projekt Revolution, as a result they'll be throwing a bash with groups of selected fans.” Mikey explained, “And where do we come in?” Ray asked exchanging a look of confusion with Bob who was fiddling around with the rather large water-gun.

“I'm glad you asked.” Mikey said, smiling brightly “We're gonna team up with MSI-” Adeline inwardly groaned “-and start a full on Nerf war.” a joking shrug then a tap on the Nerf logo on the plastic weaponry “Their theme is white out, so we're gonna put some dye in here, put some color on everybody.”

Adeline and they waited until dark, when the sound of excited teens and party decor being dragged around the park grounds. She sat with Frank and Jamia, just talking to pass the time. She sat as far from Gerard as she could, and Frank took note of that and joined her, still bitter about the earlier mishap. Mikey looked at everyone and stood up, ceasing conversation. Adeline smiled, despite a dull ache in between her ribs, Mikey threw this together to appeal to her better nature and it did.
She appriceated it.
He smiled back. It didn't really meet his eyes, she noticed.

But he almost always smiled like that.
“Guys, it's time.”

Peeling her legs from the leather seats she breathed and pumped the gun, Gerard walked to her side “Hey wait, you gotta-” he took the gun from her hand and properly prepped it “-do it like that.” he said, speaking from one end of his lips. She watched him, silently feeling convenienced by this, but dare she ever say that...
“Thanks.” she whispered standing next to him rather than move over to Ray or Bob. Gerard looked at her, curiously.

He was dressed like his typical punk self; he had on a leather jacket and without her taking notice, slid skinny jeans over his swim shorts.

They stepped out of their tent to see a whole new sight from what she had previously seen earlier in the day. The cluttered tables and food trucks that had polluted the grounds were now nonexistent.
There was a large fountain lit up with black lights, or so it seemed to Adeline since her white tank top and converse glowed like neon. Statues holding plants with splattered glow paint surrounded them, white pillars with maps of the grounds and guidelines to how the night would be spent.

There were merch booths bigger than their tour bus all full of band attire and oddities that were showcased in tubes preserved in tall tubes of water. The trees were adorned with white lights and stars on string hung from them.

It was like something from a fantasy world. A DJ mixed songs she's never heard with a familiarity to it. She assumed they were playing someone who was here at the event; she couldn't be too sure because the sounds of voices all around her were singing mixed up lyrics to different songs.

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