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Hero — Family of the Year

Gerard rested his head against the pure porcelain tile floor of his bathroom. The hum-quiet silence racked at his brain as he thought about the resonating images of those he seemed to have fucked over tonight. The looks on Adeline's- Mikey's-... Lyn-z's face... why is he hurting people?

He didn't mean to.

But he knew that not meaning to do something and making the mistake of doing it was two different things entirely.

Adeline was with the rest of the group, in the tents just chilling, conversing about her evening stunt. Gerard looked outside from his room. They seemed happier without him, didn't they? He swallowed hard and turned to face himself in the mirror.

He hated mirrors.

They distorted his view of himself in every negative way they could imagine. It was frustrating looking at a man who was interested in the things that made him happy without giving much thought to who he was affecting.

He wondered about the man who swept Adeline up after he laid her down for Lyn-z? Gerard found himself jealous at the thought of another love interest besides him, which only sickened him more. It wasn't his right to think that, but he couldn't very well stopped how he felt.

No,’ he thought ‘There's no justification.

A balled up fist slammed into the mirror. Blood and glass shards flew across the ground and he shrieked through his teeth in anger.

Adeline was sitting with the band when they decided to split for the night. Ray needed to call Christa, Frank and Bob were tired and had to discuss some sort of “super secret” business (which was codeword for video games), Mikey left without much of a word.

After their- one sided- conversation that night he had been quieter, more aloof and stoic in her regards as well as the rest of their friends.

Jamia sat by the bonfire she had made for everyone and spoke with Adeline about simpler things. The stars, astrology, mostly. The zodiacs were odd to Adeline but never the less all the more interesting considering the endless possibilities they made for anyone of a particular birth sign.

She smiled at Frank's significant other, about to speak when she and her heard a shout from where Gerard was staying. As if it were natural instinct Adeline shot up and looked down at Jamia “What should we do?” she asked the writer “I'm gonna check out what's going on. You go hang out with the others-”

“-You sure that's a good idea?”

“Jamia, you'll be the first person I talk to if something is the matter.” Adeline smiled nervously, “You promise me?” Jamia said, before turning and leaving the situation to her.

“Yeah. Promise.”

It took no time at all for Adeline to rush in, slamming the door behind her “Hey Gerard!” she stage whispered looking around for any evidence of a struggle of sorts, or a person to ask what happened. Adeline pounded the bathroom door “Gerard!”
No response.

“Hey! Open the door!”

Her hand shook the door handle but it was clearly locked “Gerard, could you open the door?!”

She wondered if maybe he was fine and he was just hearing things, but then she heard the sounds of plastic falling and clattering onto the floor “Gerard..?” her voice grew quiet, scared. The writer eyed her surroundings and picked at her head for bobby pins, but to no prevail. Gerard wasn't responsive and she didn't have time to pick the lock.

Kill Your Heroes: A My Chemical Romance FicWhere stories live. Discover now