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Enter One - Sol Seppy

It was suddenly very hard to breathe.

Gerard looked at her helplessly, unsure what to say if there was anything to say.

"It's nice to meet you." Adeline deadpanned, stepping forward holding out her hand. Mikey looked at Gerard, who's eyes were the size of the moon... What is going on? His furrowed brows didn't go unnoticed by Ray. But Ray was worried more about where Frank went.
"You, too. What's your name? Who are you?" Lyn-z stared hard "I'm Adeline Ortiz. I'm Ray's sister." Adeline said looking down at her.

These women looked like they were ready to fight at any moment. At the mere sound of any general bell, fists would be thrown in the air.
Adeline raised her chin slightly, subtly condescending as she looked to Gerard. Not saying a word. Just shaking her head in disbelief.

She ran her hands through her hair and smiled at the girl "It's been real, Linda..."
"It's Lyn-"
Adeline walked off, descending the stairs, making her way back down the hallway of barriers and tents. Tears brimming, then wiped away with her palms.

"Hey." Mike called, following close behind "Mikey?" she spun on her heel, knocking into him "What the fuck-..." Adeline fell into her back, glaring up at thim "Sorry. I didn't realize I was so close." he apologized helping her up.

"What was all that?"
He could see her eyes were reddened "It wasn't anything... it was nothing." she said back bitterly "Alright. Well, if you want to talk about it?" he said, hand holding the back of his neck "Thanks but..." she mustered something like a smile "I..." she couldn't find the words so she didn't try.

Mikey noted this "On another subject, me, Bob and Ray can't find Frank. It looked kind of like Gerard and he got in a small fight on stage." he said.

"I didn't even see..." she responded quietly "You were talking to the stage crew." Mikey said "Were you watching me?" Adeline cocked a brow. Mikey shook his head "N-no." cringing "I just think it's good if you're on the look out if you see him. I think they got in an argument."

She frowned at this "I have nothing to do now, I'll take a look around."
"Really?" Mikey asked "Yeah. No problem." she said, sniffling "Alright, see you- then." Mikey said heading for the exit.

"And Mikey..?" she called "Hm- what?" he turned, stumbling a little "Thanks- really." Adeline said.
"Don't mention it." he felt his expression brighten, facing the exit, he vanished behind it.

She heard singing from the outside, a band had already started playing. She adjusted the boots she had on her feet, tying the laces comfortably, if she was going to find Frank... she'd have to try to do it before My Chemical Romance fans did.
She ducked out the tent and moved through crowds of people, moving frantically, Adeline didn't care very deeply for crowds but she had to get to him.

Gerard sat in the crowds of MSI's grounds, they played on Revolution stage, playing wildly like they do. Lyn-z was tearing it up but he wouldn't enjoy it like he usually did. Today just seemed wrong. With Adeline, Frank, his fiancé... the fuck was he doing?

After all this time he didn't figure she'd feel the same as she did seven or so months ago..? Gerard crossed his arms, hiding behind his sunglasses, watching them from a desolate part of the grounds. But still visible enough so that Lyn-z could still see him, she didn't like not being able to see him when she played.

Adeline moved through the crowds, ducking, bobbing, and weaving. The bars were empty of the rocker's presence, the food trucks, the stores, even texted Jamia but it was a mystery to her, too. She was right back where she started. After checking the men's room she sighed "Where the fuck is he..?" she asked herself "I've checked everywhere... of course he wouldn't be in the tour bus..?"

Kill Your Heroes: A My Chemical Romance FicWhere stories live. Discover now