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Summertime - My Chemical Romance

The reception was enchanting, when the lights went out and fires were lit the room was dazzling. The walls were glass, the ceiling was all glass, nearly everything was glass.

It was just so curious to Adeline.
The day was winding to an end and the champagne shades in the sky shot through the panes and lit the dance floor with soft tones. Adeline meant to leave with Gerard to the reception room but they were split up when the family wanted to take pictures.

The mob was rather large and moved quickly so she was left alone to follow the numbers in the hallway to the room after that. She sat to the side when she had arrived, people danced together... Sometimes apart- in the konga line and looking like fools having a good time or together- slow dancing like star crossed lovers.

Intimidation shrowded her and she gazed across the room looking for a single familiar face but her brother was dancing with his wife, and their older family members left, leaving her by herself in a room of strangers.

She felt a tap on her shoulder, with hopes of it being Gerard, she smiled widely and got up- instead a taller, sharp looking man stood there and smiled back "My name's Mikey," he introduced "My name's Adeline." she spoke loudly, to be heard over the sound of the loud song that began to play "Your Ray's sister? Right?" the man spoke loudly back, leaning in so that he could be heard more clear by her.

Adeline nodded enthusiastically - maybe he'd take her away from the noise of this place, or maybe towards her brother "The DJ can always play music but I heard you sing right?" he asked with fervor in his tone "I had an idea to play something for he and Christina. Would you be game with that or..?" he laughed- in response to that she laughed a little, too. "I mean you don't have to if you don't want to!" he continued.
"Actually?" she blinked, flattered he came to her for this.
"Yeah! I'd like that a lot actually."

A wide toothy grin was stretched across his face; this worked out well for him since he already had a guitar handy. His hand touched her back and he guided her to the stage "I'm going to talk to the DJ and I'll be right with you- the song I picked was 'Your Song', you know by Elton John. Do you know it?" Mikey asked "Oh yeah... Yeah I've performed it before, I'm familiar with the words." she was hesitant at first, trying to remember the words. "Awesome!" he said before he pardoned himself.

She stood there for a bit- Gerard noticed her from afar, standing above everyone else on the ground, she was easy to take in- tall and slender, fair and natural. It was unusual to him, being interested in someone so normal looking. He was beside himself- did he admit to himself he was interested? But in what way?

The DJ made an announcement and Mikey shouted out to Ray that this was for the newly wed couple, the guitar slowly started to play and Adeline's back, which once faced the crowd, turned to face them.

Suddenly, she locked eyes with Gerard and the lyrics came back to her just like that. Adeline greeted the crowd and the words fell from her mouth in generous doses. It was that her was there that motivated her to do her best, she believed, and she did. Or to the best of her ability. Her hands were shaky and she felt as if the idea of doing this may have not been a good one.

A man she saw earlier eyeing her intensely, she shrugged it off assuming he may have just knew Mikey and was looking at him.

The song ended, the audience clapped and nervously she held her hands behind her back, the eyes of the crowd made her slink back but Gerard's hazel orbs fixated on her silhouette which made her feel even more self-conscious than she already was.

Adeline held her breath. He had smiled at her, as if giving her permission to breathe again.

She shakily walked towards the staircase steps, a little bit more than she usually was which caught her off guard. Mikey caught her when she stumbled "I'm sorry!- Low blood sugar I think." she mused quietly "I'll bring you to a chair and bring you something, okay?" he said "Ray will fucking kill me if I let you get hurt, I'm sure." sitting her down in a quieter place - a separate room, only with plans to be there for a little bit, it was large, decorated along with the wedding- so it was clear the wedding planners had hypothesized that people would use it which worked in their favor at the time.

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