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The Kids From Yesterday — My Chemical Romance

Adeline woke up to the realization that the day that would unravel before her was going to be extraordinarily unlike any other day she's ever lived. And that it would continue to be like that for the rest of her year.

The morning was creeping up on her, golden rays from the sunrise edged through the slits of her window blinds and warmed her bare back, her eyes fluttered open and she eyed the red digital numbers on her alarm clock.
5:37 a.m

She smiled as she sat upright in her bed, hands grabbed the closest sweater and slid it over herself, she adjusted it, a pitch black turtleneck somehow felt fitting today.
A pair of black pants, grey converse and a knit grey-white beanie adorned her lithe figure as she slided down the banister of her stairwell railing and landed in her soles, walking towards the door where piled up bags were ready to go.

She tried to choke down food but she had no appetite. As if she were a magnet to the bronze doorknob she kept finding herself there. Her hand resting on it, in silence.
The only sound was the grandfather clock and it's pendulum swaying entrancingly at whomever laid eyes upon it.

The doorbell rang and she swung the door open to see Mikey standing there "Yeah, I swear to god it reminded me of that roof catapult seen in Malcolm in the Midd-" he was on the phone when he saw her. He stopped speaking "-I gotta go." flipping his phone shut he greeted "Adeline. Good morning."

Adeline smiled "Hello." she whispered, yawning despite the fact she felt rather awake.
He noticed the bags in her hands and acted on her gesture to grab the one behind her "When I found out you would be joining us on tour I was surprised." he confessed with relaxed words.
"Pleasantly?" she asked teasingly "Uh- y-yeah. Of course." he agreed.

"I'm totally shocked, too." she admitted as they walked towards a white van with writing all over it in sharpies and other colored markers, it looked like messages from fans, making her smile.
"So where are we heading?" she asked as they threw their bags into the van and headed to the front seats "Ever been to Projekt Revolution?" he asked facing her.
"I'm sorry, been to what?

"You're gonna wanna change into something a bit lighter when we get to the tour bus. Did you pack things, like, shorts and tank tops?" Mikey added "Yeah, Frank and I talked a little bit over MSN and he gave me a list of things to bring." she nodded, affirming.

"Awesome." he murmurs "So, I got Lasik eye surgery about a year ago." he explained "My eyes have sort of felt strained ever since."
Adeline frowned "Will you be okay today? You should probably wear some sunglasses. So the sun doesn't bug 'em more?" she suggested "I don't have any on me. I'll buy some there, maybe. " he frowned.

"I'll even give you some, I brought three pairs." Adeline made a face "I kind of have six more at home so don't feel bad taking them." she said reaching back and grabbing a pair of aviators and putting them into his bag "Thanks, Adeline." he looked at them and back at her, before his eyes returned to the road "We're almost there." he added "You got to meet the girls."
"The girls? "she asked "Uh huh. " he nodded.
"Alright. Is Ray waiting for me?" Adeline asked hopefully.

"Sure is. Gerard is pretty excited, too. You guys must be good friends, huh?" Mikey looked at Adeline who smirked at that comment slightly "You can say that." she said as they slowed to a stop by the gates "They're so much closer to home than I figured...?"
A pleasant surprise. She didn't want for a road trip to occur that'd take several hours, just thirty minutes sufficed.

Kill Your Heroes: A My Chemical Romance FicWhere stories live. Discover now