Chapter 7 : He knows

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Ela's pov :
I walked around, already far from home. It was dark everywhere and the sounds of night birds could be heard nearby. I walk a little to the right, a little to the left, then straight. I have no idea where I should go. I looked at the fence where the horses were tied, but there were no traces. I was hoping to see hooves, but the ground was completely dry without any tracks. My head was spinning with thoughts, especially about Mrs. Maya. I was very sorry to leave her locked there. I hope she find a way out soon. And I hope she forgive me when I come back...if I come back. I was also wondering where Xander was. I haven't seen him since that night, the first time we came to this strange house. Now everything is strange to me, also where is Mr. Randal, he left and never came back. Just like..."AAAAAAA"

Endriguelle's pov :
I almost had a heart attack as a dark silhouette stood in front of me and held out a hand.The voice seemed familiar to me from somewhere. As if I've heard it before. In it's hand was my book that fell out of my bag. I could guess who it was, but just in case I asked "Who are you?" still in a flustered voice. "Xandar. We haven't met yet, but I believe we have seen each other"He said. "Ela's brother? What are you doing here? Where have you been...where were..she was looking for you..." I spoke with a billion questions as usual. My whole face hurt so much that I could hardly speak.

"Slow down, can't even a branch slow down your mouth?" Behind the darkness was little smile.

"How do you know I got hit by a branch?"

"First of all, the branch didn't hit you, you crashed into the branch, secondly, don't a galloping horse and a hanging broken branch and your bloody face say anything?"

"What?" I looked around confused as some more drops of blood fell from my face.

"Look, I don't have the time or the nerve to explain, we have to hurry while there's still time!" He said quietly in a more serious and cold voice.

"Dang not again! Nobody wants to explain anything these days!"

"The answers will come to you on their own, but now hurry up and follow me so you don't die, because that way you surely won't get any answers!"

"If this branch didn't kill me, nothing will." I muttered to myself and reached the book."

Endriguelle finally got up and the bleeding finally stopped. Xandar was a full fifteen steps ahead so she had to hurry. She had no better or dearer options.

"Where are we even going? And how do you know this forest and the road or whatever?" She started asking again as they walked some unknown path through the forest. Light was already peeking through the dense treetops, but it was still dark.

"You really don't know?" He asked confused but not that much.

"HOW SHOULD I KNOW?" She asked already annoyed and angry.

"Haven't you read the book?" He asked and sat down under a tree to rest from walking.

"Which book? En was confused, not thinking.

"Lost some brain cells as well?" Xandar joked while Endriguelle looked at him as she will kill him right away.

"The book in your bag of course!" Now he got annoyed himself as well.

En immediately took out the book and Xandar threw the torch at her.

"Ouch you idiot!"

"You're welcome!"

She was staring at the blank leather book cover.It was so ordinary and so special at the same time.

"What is this book?" Endriguelle looked impressed and really confused.

"How don't you know? It's yours isn't it?"

"No, I took it from my grandfather's house and I had never seen book like that before, but it seemed...special."

"It is."

"Stop this! So
you know this book?"

"Of course I do I'm Caspar's son!" He said quietly so En didn't hear name.

She asked again, but they were stopped by a terrifying scream that came from nearby. Ela!

Finally got my account back!!!
( I forgot the password 🥲)
Anyways thank you to everyone who's reading, following and voteing, new chapters coming soon!❤️💙

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