Chapter 5 : Gallop into the forest

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It had been a whole night since Endriguelle had been put to sleep by a strange fire person. The branches twisted around the walls of the strange house while the tiny rays of the sun penetrated through that root hole straight into the girl's eyes. Mother's complaints about the mess she started cleaning a few hours ago, as soon as she got up, echoed throughout the house. It seems that Endriguelle was the only one who was still asleep. She slept so soundly, not a single voice woke her up, as if she was a fire bewitched from the last night.

"Endriguelle, come here to help us clean now!" The mother screamed from the corridor, but the girl did not say a word, but just slept. soundly. Her Dad left two hours ago to walk around town to get to know the neighborhood, while Ela's brother rode his horse to the grocery store to buy something to eat. The only ones left to clean were Maya and Ela, and the whole house had to be cleaned so that at least they could walk normally.

"Endriguelle you are starting to piss me off!" The mother was scrambling with all her might, scrubbing the floors and putting away the books.

"Don't worry, I'll go get her if you want." Said little Ela, carrying a pile of books in her hands.

"Thank you very much, dear. Ugh, that little one annoys me. She sleeps for hours or simply ignores me." The mother thanks Ela, angry at her sleeping daughter.

Ela put down a pile of dusty books on one of the armchairs and went to the room through the still almost covered corridor. She suddenly stopped in front of the closed door, seeing that it was wrapped in green vines.

"En, are you awake?" She knocked fearfully on the chained door.

After a few seconds, she realized that she wouldn't get an answer, so she gently knocked on the wooden door. Suddenly, a small blue flower bloomed in the middle of the door, which opened instantlly.

"En..?" She whispered in confusion when she saw the girl in a deep sleep facing the rose petals that were still dripping with still liquid wax. She gently patted En on the head to wake her up, but she was still snoring in her sleep.

When she saw that there was no point in waking up, she started towards the sunken rose whose wax was falling all over the table. She caught part of a rose petal that slightly burned her finger. She didn't expect the wax to still be melted, let alone hot. Panicking, she threw the rose on the floor away from the bed when she was startled by an energetic scream from behind her.

"Candle!" Endriguelle screamed at the top of her voice, getting up from the bed staring at the bedside table.

"Aaa, En you scared living daylight out of me!"Shouted poor Ela, looking confused at her friend.

"W-w-what?.. Ela?" She looked up from the submerged bedside table with fear and confusion in her eyes.

"What candle?" Ela asked her a little more calmly.

"Candle, woman, fire..blanket..!" Endriguelle was speaking hysterically fast as if she had seen a ghost.

"Slow down, I don't understand anything." She looked at her trying to calm her down.

"There was a woman, with blanket..s-s she made me sleep and..."In an instant, her mother rushed in and stopped her in the middle of mumbling.

"Finally you got up..and now to work!...Hurry up!!!She scolded En, who was still mumbling something.

"B-b-but, a candle!" En repeated, still trying to regain her composure

"What are you talking about, there are a billion more books in the living room that we have to remove. Lets go! Move!"

"But mom..." I was trying to explain something, but nothing was clear to me either. I met Ela's eyes, which were looking at me confused. My mom shouted again, so we both headed to her because we obviously had no other option but to dive into the world of fallen books.

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