Part 5

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"I hope he'll also lose his loved ones just like Daniel's parents lost their's..!"

She said while looking outside through the window..

Jungkook took a sigh and was about to say something but then Y/N spoke in a low voice..

"Drive me home Jeon..!"

Her words were stabbing his heart like a knife.. He turned to his side and grabbed the starring with his trembling hands.. He started the car and drove straight to her house..

He stopped the car right in front of the gate and got out of it.. He went to her side and opened the door for her.. Y/N came out of the car and head towards the gate to open it, but stopped on her tracks.. She turned around to look at him and said..

"Thanks for your concern Mr. Jeon..!"

Saying this she turned around, opened the gate and went inside leaving him alone there..

He stood there still holding the door staring at the gate of her house.. He held his chest with his right hand while closing his eyes.. After a minute he went to his side, sat inside the car and drove away from there..

After sometimes he reached back to his Mansion from where he left to pick her up from the college.. He walked inside the Mansion facing downwards while all the guards were looking at him in bewilderment..

"What happened to him..!?" One of the guards asked..
"Don't know.. Pray for the best..!" The other replied..
"He never seemed so sad like this ever before..!" Another guard whispered while all of them were starring at his back figure..

Jungkook entered the hall room where Mr. Kalvin and Alex were waiting for him for almost 2 hours.. Mr. Kalvin immediately stood up from the sofa and went near him..

"What happened Jungkook..!?" He asked in a worried tone.. But he replied nothing..

An awkward silence spread all over the hall room..

"Call ten guards inside..!"

Mr. Kalvin joined his eyebrows in confusion.. "What's the matter Jeon..!?" He asked in a serious voice..

Jungkook looked at him with his emotionless face..

"Okay okay I'm calling..!" Saying this he gestured Alex with his hand to call ten guards from outside..
Alex immediately went outside and gestured the guards to come inside..

Ten guards entered the hall room and stood in front of him making a row..

Jungkook looked at them without any expression on his face and said in his deep low voice..

"Beat me to death"

Everyone looked at him in shock.. While Mr. Kalvin went near him holding his shoulder in his hands.. "What's wrong with you..!? Why are you behaving like this Jungkook..!?"

He pushed him away from himself and said..

"Please get out Mr. Kalvin"

Saying this he gestured the guards to start.. But no one had the courage to even look up into his eyes..

"Beat me Or else I'll beat y'all to death"

He again said in his cold and raspy voice while gesturing Mr. Kalvin and Alex to get out of the hall room.. Mr. Kalvin went outside with Alex and stood near the door while holding the wall for support.. Just then he heard smacks and thumps from inside..

He was was gasping out of pain.. Mr. Kalvin became restless but didn't have the courage to go inside and stop him.. Suddenly Mr. Seyoung's thought strike his mind..

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