Part 3

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"I fell for peace, but unfortunately violence fell for me harder..!"

He said in his deep raspy voice while gesturing one guard to come near him..

"Pack his body like a present and send this to his home hmm..!? His parents must be worried..!"

Jungkook said while a smirk plastered on his face..

"Okay sir..!" Mr. Kalvin replied while gesturing the dozen of guards to take the body for the preparation..

After they left he came near JK "I'm working with you for the past 10 years.. I never saw you kill someone in such a straight forward way.. What's the matter Jeon..!?" He asked in confusion..

"He has tried to spare his dirty eyes on my possession.. The movie isn't over Mr. Kalvin.. Just wait and watch..!"

He said in a raspy voice.. Just then one guard entered the hall room "Sorry for interrupting sir.. The guy isn't still dead..!" He said while looking downwards..

Jungkook smirked..

"Call a butcher..!"

He said in a low voice.. Mr. Kalvin joined his eyebrows in confusion..

Jungkook's assistant Alex was standing near the guards while looking at the body which was still alive..

"What did he do btw..!?" He asked one of the guards..

"He tried to harass madam..!" He replied..

"Oops..! God has planned such a horrible destiny for you buddy..!?"

He said while looking at the half dead guy laying on the ground..

"He's still alive we can save him if sir wants..!" A new guard said while looking at Alex..

"Save..!?" He giggled while holding his stomach with his right hand.. "If you want to save your own life then think about ideas of killing him okay..!?" The guard nodded out of fear and went back to his position..

Next day morning ot was 8 am..
Jungkook was still sleeping in his bed..while his mom entered his room..

"Get up child.. It's already 8 am..!" Jungkook hummed in his half sleep..

Mrs. Jeon sat near him in his bed and pinched his ear.. "Ouchh..! Mom stop it..!" He mumbled while scratching his head..

"Get up.. the breakfast is ready..!" She said while caressing his hair.. He again hummed in response..

She got up and went out of his room.. "I'm waiting..!" She shouted while walking down the stairs..

After some time Jungkook woke up and went towards the bathroom..
He brushed his teeth, combed his hair and changed his cloth into black trousers and a off white shirt..

He came down to the living room and was surprised to find Mr. Kalvin sitting in the couch and Alex was also there sitting next to him in the sofa.. Mr. Ye Joon was talking with them in a friendly manner..

He came near them and sat on one couch next to his father.. His dad saw him and said "Hey son meet Mr. Kalvin and his coworker Alex..!"

Jungkook stood up and gave his hand towards Mr. Kalvin.. "Nice to meet you sir..!" Mr. Kalvin shaked his hand with him and said "Nice to meet you too child..!"

Alex spoke up.. "Child..!?" Jungkook immediately gave him a death glare..

"Yes.. Why not..!? he's like my own son..!" Mr. Kalvin said while smiling at him..
Alex grabbed the glass of water from the table and took a sip of it..

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