Part 2

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"That's a good one..!"

You heared a familiar voice and looked around to find who spoke..

Just then you felt someone tapped your shoulder.. You turned to your right side and found that same guy who almost killed John is standing beside you in the counter looking straight into your eyes..!

You felt a wave of fear lingered all over your body..

"Wh- what..!? " You stuttered out of fear..

He smiled slightly "You're just the way I thought you'd be..!" You joined your eyebrows in confusion..

"What do you mean huh..!?"

He shook his head..

"I'm not your long lost friend okay..!? Stop behaving sweet and cute.. I know your true colors..!" You said piercing a gaze towards him..

Just then the food arrived, you took the tray and was about to leave when you hear

"Your dad will not come to pick you today.. You'll go with me..! " He said in his deep cold voice..

You were dumbstruck to hear this..! You stopped on your tracks and turned around to face him..

"You're stalking me..!?" You asked giving a disgusting look towards him..

"I look like a stalker to you..!?" He asked looking up at you from his phone..

"Indeed..!" You said giving him a damn care look..

"I'm something more than that..!" He said while looking at his phone again..

"I've two legs.. I can walk to my home by myself..!" You said glaring at him..

"Okay let's see..!" He said while scrolling through his phone..

Just then his order arrived.. "Here's your drink sir..!" You looked at the order and Your eyes widen to find bear on the tray..

"Who the heck allowed you to sell bear in a college canteen..!?" You asked the seller with a surprised look on your face..

"Sir ordered to bring it for him mam..!" He said pointing at Jungkook who was still scrolling through his phone while taking a sip of bear from the glass..

"Who is he..!? Seems like you have to obey him at all cost huh..!?" You asked him..

"Calm down princess..!" Jungkook said while a smirk plastered on his face..

"It's not healthy for your tender body to shout like this..!" He said while taking another sip of his drink..

This time you felt your limit of patience has crossed far away..! You placed the tray on the counter and said "How dare you call me by that disgusting name Mr. Jeon Jungkook..!?"

He immediately looked up at you and placed the drink back on the tray..

"What did you say..!?" He asked while coming a little closer to you, but you moved back..

"I said stop calling me by that disgusting name Mr. Jeon Jungkook..!" You said while giving him a death glare..

"Keep calling me by my name from today onwards hmm..!?" You frowned while taking the tray from the counter and went back to your table..

Everyone in the cafe were quite shocked to see you yell at the same guy who had almost killed John a few hours ago..

"What's going on..!?" Eliana asked you with a confused look on her face..

"Nothing just that bloody disgusting guy checking my nerves" You said while sipping the coke from your glass..

"Y/N I think it's getting more serious now.. You should keep distance from such kind of men out there.. First John's best friend Daniel and now this Jungkook guy..! Seems like your luck is not in your favour since you have joined this college.."

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