65. Karma

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Me and jungkook quickly went to my grandparents to ask them about it. 

my grandparents told me that they do what my father and mother deserve. and they should have done this before. now that they removed my parents from 'kang family registry' they won't be able to use any type of benefit from it. also they're in very much  trouble. 

my grandpa said he has done reregistration to my name. so officially me and my sister is  the part of the family but our parents are not. 

even though this was not part of my plan but whatever happens is better than it. my original plan was to buy my father's  company but looks like it's not needed. 

yuta message me netizens view changing towards me. also people are waiting for sumi's case to resolve. it's two biggest scandal of the country, never thought i would provide people them drama. 

after spending the evening with me, jungkook left. my grandparents has approve of him. even tho grandpa is still salty about it but he said jungkook is a keeper. 

i'm currently working on few things. i didn’t heard anything from rowan or sumi. rowan is busy investigate and prepared for his trial. since two biggest entertainment agency has been involved then i'm sure more dirt gonna come out. they will definitely try to buy rowan and sumi to bury any controversies. sumi will have to suffer the after effect of lawsuit against agencies. sumi is managing the media who is constantly on her and rowan's tail. 

both of them are busy fighting against situation. 

it's time for me do some works also. 

someone ring the doorbell. who the hell now? i continue to work and eat snacks while my grandpa is sitting beside me doing something on his macbook. 

grandma opened the door, only to find someone storm inside. 

well fuck life, this is not what i expected. what are they doing here?  

"y/n! "

"come out you bastard child. "

"i know you are here." 

"you ruin everything you brat."

"come out i said. "

 i squint my eyes at my screaming mother and my sister following her. what's wrong with this woman?  what the fuck does she want now?

"why are you making a mess in my house?" my grandpa demand answer.

my mother cried pitifully, she looks a mess almost as a newly homeless person. rose also failed to maintain her glorious looks which i have never seen before.

"how could you do this to us. we are your family. " my mom cried out 

"why did you disowned my husband?  how can you two remove us from family registry when my husband is still in the hospital beaten up by your other son, how could you?" my mother screamed ugly to my grandpa. 

i have never seen her like this losing her classic compose like this. but i now have an idea why she is behaving like a crazy woman. 

"just like how give birth, then neglected, abused then disowned my granddaughter. who do you think you are questioning me in my house filthy woman." grandpa roar angrily. 

my eyes widen, this man is the sweetest person on earth but now he is angry and scary beyond words. roseanne and mother flinch in fear. while grandma intensely glared at them. 

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