25. Gifts from Tae Sumi

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"Are you homesick?" I asked the man infront of me who is savouring italian food, kinda looks like he hasn't eaten in days.

"Kinda, I liked it there more." he said chewing his food.

"Then why did you came back here? Business? " I asked taking a bite of my spaghetti, I love them. I know It's none of business but I was simply curious about it. I hope I didn't cross my limit because he seems to stop eating and looked at me with a serious face.

"I can't run away from the past I had to face the reality. And yah also business." he said softly I just nodded.

"Hoseok doesn't seems to remember you." I said with a little smirk

"Well his loss if he cannot remember a face like mine." Jungkook replied playfully.

"Well I do remember your face from before Jeon boy." I smirk and he groaned...... "Hoodie cap, pimple big round glass. You sure was cute." He groan loudly buring his face in his plams. "Stop there no more teasing." he said making me grin at him.

"If Hoseok gonna remember me, and troubled me will you come again to save me y/n?" even though his words Were playful why do I feel like it has a deep meaning behind it.

"Nah, I'm lazy I'll grab some popcorn and enjoy the show. Also I'm pretty sure you are capable of deal people like him since you're in this position." I said calmly he just gave a smile.

"How's things here so far? Having trouble to adjust? " I asked

"Not bad as I thought. Let's see what future hold." Jungkook said, he was about to say something else but his phone went off. Work probably, he must have things to handle. That remind me I also have tons of works waiting for me. My phone vibrant It's an email from Rowan. I look at Jungkook who has excused himself to talk so I open the email.

It's about Jungkook. It says in middle school he disappeared suddenly no one has seen him from then. He moved to Italy started to work under an old man in a shoe store. But surprisingly that man used to be a billionaire. He took him under his wings and taught him investment and business. After a year Jungkook somehow start a investment company by selling shares that he brought with his hard working money. It took him two years to make the company grow bigger and more profitable.

Soon, his company had reached milestone that was very surprising because he was so young and a mare shoe store worker boy. Anyway he named his company "Noej". He has made investment in international companies or projects that mainly brought him more money and frame. He has made his first investment in South Korea almost four years ago to Tally group. He has keep a low profile. He is now quite well known socially but still prefer low profile. Love interest 'none'.

You have had a hard way to come up this far Jeon boy. Your hard work has paid off, just don't loose your moral like other rich successful mans. People change when they got money and power. What's hard is to keep your moral. It's a fight against yourself and the world. You have came so far by yourself, just fight against the odds and keep your morals Jeon boy

I was so busy in my thoughts that I barely noticed he has came and took his seat.

"Looks like they're trying hard to make a scandal for us." Jungkooks eye pointed at the reporter that was trying very hard to pretend like a normal customer. I've noticed him following me for days. It's a daily thing now reporters chasing me around. But my security team will handle that so I let him be.

"One scandal of me will make him loaded since they never find me into any scandal." I said calmly


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