12. Vacation

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Min Yoongi another friend of Kim Taehyung. A straight forward person. If he don’t like you he'll say it to your face.

His character is kinda complected to explain but he is loyal to Taehyung.

In my past life I've tried to befriend with him  maybe then Kim Taehyung will notice me. But Min Yoongi didn’t think of me more than a fly. Encounter with him didn’t go well for me he was cruel. Actually he had to I understand.

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"Hi y/n. Father talk a lot about you a lot finally got to meet you. " he said

"Likewise Mr Min. " I replied

It's better to stay away from him. I'm not avoiding him but I don’t want to get cozy with him or anyone. This will give others hope that they can befriend with me. First I don’t trust anyone. Second it will make my life more complect.

And the biggest reason is I FUCKING HATE PEOPLE.

After eating we came back from there without saying goodbye to my family I don’t see any reason why should I neither do my uncle . But I know they'll throw a fit later. I took a bath then went to study for upcoming exam. After finishing my study I took some files of the current projects reviewing them.

My phone start to beep and I already knew who it was.

The one and only my dear annoying bestfriend Rowan Hayes.

"Bro what's the tea? What happened there? It must be so entertaining right?" Rowans excitement is overloaded.

"Tell me honestly you neighbourhood aunty you took Law so you could know what's happening to everyone's life didn’t you?" I asked to which he only laughs.

"One of the many reason and you know why I took law my dear and by the way don't pretend you are any better than me. You love gossip as much as me. " he said making me sigh.

I continue to work and to him. He is doing the same. All the day he work so hard that when he start to study he immediately fall asleep. He has three part-time job also University then coming back he has a family. Rowan is such a hardworking guy. He change his job according to his situation. Sometimes he even do five jobs just to provide his family.

He wanted to open his own Law farm. He has even planned everything. He has a group of students who is poor like him and in return he wants them to join his Law farm. He is doing internship bellow a top lawyer of a best law farm. It wasn’t easy to get the internship. But he never gave up.  Also he has a leadership quality that makes people follow his lead. He is preparing everything to open his Lawfarm.

He isn’t a born genius but a hardworking guy.

His life is hard from the day he was born and he is trying his best to success in life.

He maybe a social butterfly and people's guy whom everyone adore but no one actually knew the real him. They just know the smile he always put on but never saw underneath it. At the end of the day we only  have each other to share everything. No we are not romantically involved or like each other. But more like siblings. He is the brother I never had. I'm the sister he never had.

After talking to each other I again go to kitchen to eat something. Actually the amount of work I do for a seventeen years old girl is mentally and psychically overbearing. Also since I don’t gain weight by eating I just eat eat and eat.

After eating I went to sleep.

Few months has been weary. University exam work projects everything. Now I want some break man..

In-between this times I met Kim Taehyung, Min and my father in a meeting. But I had no intention or time to even spare them a second glance. Sometimes I fall asleep in class since I was the topper the teacher wouldn’t say anything just threw me pity look due to how tired I looked. My classmate whom i didn’t knew would woke me up when i didn’t woke after the class was over. One of them was a girl i don’t even know her name but i was so thankful to her.

According to Rowan I looked like a panda dark circle under my eyes always tired and hungry. Rowan would always make me eat when I forget to. Actually the pressure was too much I didn’t get time to eat properly or I forgot.

I helped him in his projects sometimes also when he was preparing for the Law farm I helped anyhow I could.

Now I want a break. I need a vacation. I talk to Rowan if want one too he said his family was Planning for one so I decided to join them. His father loves me like his own daughter his grandma too. Rowans father trust me more then him. He doesn’t know who I'm actually but still love me like his own  I can't be more greatfull.

We're gonna stay at my grandparents.

They had a vacation house their so I decided to go their. It will reduce the expenses Rowan was protesting but when ' I said you have your family I only have them also didn’t spend much time with them lately' after this emotional blackmail he agreed.

We plan to go Jeju Island. I love beach so much so i suggested this. I never knew I needed a vacation this much. I told my uncle even if the company go bankrupt do not call me. Just think I died. When i said this my uncle made a disgusted expression that made me and his secretary laugh for hours.

My uncle isn’t used to showing expression so when ever he did this I guess It's so funny.

I told my secretary to check up the spots beforehand for our security also guards gonna be there in civil form. It's my uncle's order and i didn’t argue cause safety  comes  first.
I've already packed my bags and I'm gonna go over them.  We will take train and I'm really excited because I've never got on it.

Actually I never went on a proper family vacation or a simple vacation. My family did take my sister to various places when ever she needed a break but they never told me. They left me to caretaker. According to them I didn’t work hard to deserve it. I only listen it hiding how exciting it was from my sister when she told her friends.

"Yeh y/n live your life, enjoy it, you will only live once." I said to myself before I leave for my vacation.

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