3. Good changes

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He is here

My uncle Kang Sean

My father's elder brother

My grandfather has give equal shares of the company to both of his sons. Gave them the education they need, provide everything to be a successful businessman. My grandpa retired from the business as soon as his both sons become 18. He never wanted to become a businessmen but his father forced.

My uncle start from the bottom, as a employee. He got stronger day by day. All the board Directors were surprised to see his rapid growth.

On the other hand my father join the company like any other rich spoil brat would. Took unnecessary reckless steps which made the shares drop constantly. He actually believed he is the best, whatever he does will bring him success and glory.

Anyway after some times the shareholders voted they want my uncle as a CEO. Which didn't fit for my father. He married my mom a sole heir for her father's company name Elena Co. Ltd . Dad took over it as well has shares in Kang Corporation as well.

Kang Corporation is the top real estate company not only in Korea but in Asia.

My uncle made our company worth trillion. Now he is the chairman. He is a born businessmen. No one dares to mess up with him. The aura around him scream dominance, power.

Today he came to our house because of my grandma. He might be the king in business world but he would never disrespect his parents. My grandpa asked him over months to came and celebrate Roseanne engagement and my birthday which is tomorrow. He agreed cause my grandma is quite ill and her son was so busy that he forget to visit her.

From childhood he is quite and determined. His cold aura made sure no one approach him.


A cold deep blue eyes glare at me.

He rise his eyebrow, silently telling me to continue.

"Can I come with you?" his eyes bore at me

"I want to work at the company under you."

"You're not capable."

"One year. Let me start from the bottom. Test me as much you want then see if I'm capable or not." I said confidently

"What do you want?" he's looking at me like he is trying to see through my soul.

"If I'm capable enough and meet your expectation then make me the CEO."

Corner of his lips rose up, a small smirk plastered seeing my confident fifteen year old self.

"Tomorrow sharpe 8 at my office. "

I smile a little in response.

This is just a start.

"Eminent guests , now I would like to invite starts of the evening Roseanne and Taehyung . "

Round of applause as they entered in the ballroom of the city's grandest and most expensive hotel stood the most beautiful teen couple.

There were hundreds people from higher society to witness the engagement between the most wealthy and powerful families in Eastern World Kim and Kang .

Two powerful family now officially together. TV channels were live broadcasting it.

People around the ballroom whispers about how perfect they look together. They couldn't see any other perfect couple than them. They were so busy praising the 'Golden couple'.

I was still in daze, I'm standing in a corner of the room just like I did in my previous life. It's really hard to believe that I actually got a second chance..

I looked at the couple infront of me, Rose my gorgeous sister standing tall with a sweet smile that could melt anyone's heart. She wore a elegant baby pink sleeveless gown. She is looking like a Princess. Beside her Taehyung is standing there with his usual stoic unreadable cold expression. I looked at our parents surrounding them laughing, celebrating .

The same scene again, I placed a hand on my heart.

I have to let it go for my own good.

Looking at Rose I no longer feel anger jealousy toward her. Now that I'm back at my fifteen years old self all my life I've tried to make other impress, I've always thought what others would think of me. How I've always tried to make myself Rose and have her happiness instead of mine.

My parents always tried to mold me into Roseanne. She did violin so they force me to do it, Rose did singing so they make me do it. I never breathed a single word thinking one day I'll do it better then her and they'll notice me, love me. I even styled my hair like Rose Looking at the mirror now I can't believe.

I'll not try to make other happy or impress. I no longer care what they would think of me. I'll not walk in my sister's shadow ever again. I'll not spend my life chasing over anyone or anything. Life much more then that and I'm intent to find out. I'll find my own happiness, I'm gonna grown stronger and never be depend on others.

In this life time I'll work hard only and only for myself.
Taking a last glance of the perfect event and my so called family turn back and helded back toward out house. I have to pack my bags gonna move to Uncle Sean's house, staying there till I could afford my own.

At the lunch time uncle told my father I'm going to stay with my father scoffed he said "good thing you are lessing my burden"

Then mom look at me and said "Don't do anything that make your uncle kick you out."

I stayed silent, It's useless anyways . I'll answer them when I'll be capable enough. I won't forget a damn thing. Rose looked at me with a bit pity but didn't say anything. My uncle didn't defend me he believes you need to be stronger enough to defend yourself and prove yourself.

At the very night I left that hell house and moved into uncle's penthouse. Before going to bed I went to him and tell that I'll pay his for the food and place with his expressionless face he replied pay back with interest.

Such a businessmen type reply not that i expected anything better. Then it hit me nothing in this world is for free this is what he tried to taught me today.

Thank you.

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