4. Rude comments

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"Here kid now finish them. "

The head of sales and marketing department placed lots of files on my desk.

"Does they think this fifteen year old kid can do this just because she is a Kang huh, petty." she mumbled

I ignore her rude comment and judgemental stare at me and start to sort out bundle of paper work she has for me. Uncle wants me to learn in and outs of market value and demands. In his eyes I'm just my sisters shadow and a immature kid who know nothing about business world.

Well uncle let the game begin.

Ever since I've step my foot here everyone is throwing me judgemental glare, gossiping about how my uncle can pick up a black sheep like me.

According to them I should get more training about basic necessity of becoming a Kang first business is not for me.

Work work and work that's what I've been doing for this month. School starts from tomorrow after the summer break. Can't get homeschooled our school don't do it.

Another hell is school can't wait to graduate.

It will be very hard to keep up my school and my work but I'll do it.

The sales and marketing department is in daze cause of me. They just can't believe how a fifteen years old girl could do all the work that even a Department head can't.
Soon my department changed to Development department.

People around me who were busy badmouthing about me now fear to talk about me.

When the Development department head got the previous report from sales and marketing department about my performance he was very amazed. That man in his late fifty chuckle at me and said, " She is a Kang It's in their blood. She is here to prove it. "

Anyways tomorrow I've to face another hell and fight for my self. This time I'll not be afraid anymore.

"Hey girl how was your break. Oh my god I can't believe Taehyung and your sister got engaged. But don't be sad Hannah will guide you and you'll able to have him back." Amy spoke her one arm around my shoulder.

As soon as I came to the class my bestfriend Amy jump on me with gossip. I sigh disappointed at my past self.

Hannah is the queen bee of our school. She came from a rich family. She took pity and took Amy and me as her side kicks. She only used us as her entertainment. She promised me she would help me to get Taehyung from my sister.

And like two dumb women we fight for that man at the end who was engaged with my sister.

But she wasn't that dumb like me when she realize she can't have him and he got married to my sister, she somehow married a rich CEO who was 20 years older than her. But I couldn't take it and ended up like that in my past life.

So embarrassing man. ugh!

"She asked for you now Taehyung ." Amy spoke

I remove her hand off my shoulder, "Listen, I'm no longer interest in him. Tell her she can snatch him from my sister. Leave me from all this. " I say sternly. Amy's mouth open and close like fish with pair of widened eyes.

"Are you sick? What are you saying? You don't want him anymore? " she asked still can't believe my words.
"No. Now please don't disturb me from now on." With that I left a pale Amy who just looked like she just seen a ghost.

It was lunchtime after eating I came to the rooftop of course It's not allowed but who cares. All this time I just heard people gossip about my sister and Taehyung . On the other hand Hannah and her side kicks were confused when my ex-bestie Amy broke the news.

Hannah said I must have been too much heartbroken and went crazy to let Taehyung go. They thought I've gain some depression or any kind of mental illness.

"You'll come back to me for help when you'll get over from this and start chasing Taehyung again." It was her last word to me.

I didn't say anything to hell with them It's not like they're gonna listen to me that I've changed so whatever.

I was wandering around the rooftop to breath some fresh air. I love rooftops a lot. I was humming a song and walking around suddenly my eyes fall on something or more like someone.

He is too close to the end. Wait! wait wait!!! is he trying to die... Oh no It's looks like that. .... Shit mannn... no don't die!!!

I run towards him trying not to make noise.

I hold his hand and pull him towards me with all my strength.

His skinny tall body fall top of me with a thud, I groan in pain.

His hair and hoodie cap was covering his face from my view. But I could see his body tense. He quickly got up mumbling "Die,, die.. I have to die.. no.. w-why would you save m-me.. I have to die."

His hands were shaking.

I hold him from the back but this skinny dude was wiggling to get free.

"LET ME GOOO,!!!! LET ME DIE PLEASE." he broke into sob still trying to get free and almost success. Without thinking twice I slapped him hard that even my wrist start to hurt. A loud sound of slapping echoed. He fall on the ground with the impact and start to sob loudly.

"Hey" I called softly gently placed a hand on his shoulder after few minuets.

His sob stopped he only whimper. When he looked up at him my breath got hitch.

It's him.

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