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Author's pov

Amethyst and MoonFlower are neighbouring friendly packs.Amethyst screams power, authority whereas MoonFlower is known for its serenity.It doesn't mean Amethyst is not a peaceful pack as well as MoonFlower is not a strong pack.Both packs are successful in their own ways.These two packs are divided by a river,a beautiful river.The water knows stories of each pack.

In MoonFlower pack

A beautiful boy is cuddled upto a kitty plushie on his bed. The golden Sun rays hitting his face causing him to stir in sleep.A pair of his cute hands reaches his beautiful blue orbs to rub and suddenly he start crying.

? : Mama...where awre chu?
(It's a baby language...please bear with it)

Suddenly hearing the little's scream ,a beautiful lady in early 40's entered the room and sat on his bed.

?? : What happened baby?Mama is right here.
She patted his head calming the boy.

Hearing his mom's sound he calmed down and hugged her

? : mwe think mama , papa leave mwe

?? : Oh my babybun, you are our precious son .How can mama and papa leave you?We love you baby.

? : Ashie woves mama , papa too.

He gives her a bright smile to his mama which his mom coos at the adorable sight.It's a daily routine.Ashie always cries when he found himself alone in the bed thinking his mama and papa leave him.

?? : Ashie baby,can you fresh up or need mama to help you?

Ashie : Me can do it mama.

?? : After that come downstairs for breakie.If you need any help call us okay baby?

Ashie : Ok mama.

The lady turn to walk out of room.Then Ashie suddenly spoke

Ashie : Oopsie Ashie fworget 🤦....Mama,Goo mworning ☺️.

?? : Aww sweetie... Good morning to you too 😘

The lady,Mrs Brooks walks out of little Ashie's room.

After doing morning routine,Ashie come downstairs on yellow Pikachu onsie with a pacifier attached to it by pacifier clip.

"Good morning bun"said Mr Brooks.
"Goo mworning papa"Ashie strolled down through the stairs and kissed his papa's cheeks.

"Let's have breakfast,we have to go to work also Ashie baby don't you have to go to University?"
"Yes mom,I hope I won't be late"said Asher
They had breakfast and went to respective work place and University

It's a daily routine in Brooks household.Brooks Asher is the little star of that home.His mom and dad love him so much . Asher has a little space syndrome due to a tragic incident occured in the past.He slips when he is overwhelmed as well as to relieve from stress . He tries to control his little side maximum when he is outside.He is an introvert kid.After coming back from University he usually slips and manages to slip out before going to University next day.He craves for his mate , at the same time he thinks his mate gonna reject him due to little Ashie.It always gives ache to his heart, his inner omega whimpers at that thought.

Talking about his wolf,
Asher is a beautiful male omega with almond eyes which got a admirable blue orbs.His wolf is white with little grey shades over it.His vanilla and musk scent is another add on to his beauty.

Let's see about Henry in next update.
Please forgive my mistakes here.

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