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chapter sixteen.

✧˖°࿐·̩͙✧ RICHARD AND EMILY GILMORE finally reconciled

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˖°·̩͙RICHARD AND EMILY GILMORE finally reconciled. just as Bellamy knew they would, she didn't think it'd take as long as it did for them to come to their senses — but it did.

better late than never. throughout her entire life, she could always feel the love that Richard and Emily held for one another. as much as they bickered, they truly loved each other.

her heart melted as she watched the twinkle in her grandfather's eye, watching as the love of his life walked down the isle to meet him again. a tear fell down her cheek, a love like that is so rare.

and all she hoped to achieve.

moments like these, she found herself thinking about him. she didn't know why she was so insecure and scared when it came to the idea of actually being with him.

she'd known him most of her life, sure — many moments were of her rolling her eyes at him — but on the inside, her heart was fluttering. she'd liked him since the day she met him, and yet she never allowed herself to.

even now, she continued to fight it.

she didn't want to anymore. all along, she'd been scared. her feelings toward Logan were nowhere near like.

she loved him so much, that every time she looked at him she felt her soul take a breath. it didn't hurt her, to be in love with him. not physically. everything was lighter, every food tasted better. he was all she wanted.

so why was she so afraid?

coward. that's all that continued to run through her mind as she watched her grandparents look at one another with such admiration.

as she stood across from Rory, Bellamy scanned the room. and suddenly her eyes met his. it was unexpected, she'd been avoiding him. she hated herself for that.

but truth be told, she was jealous. and she hated that even more. he had a smirk upon his lips as he stared up at her. he had zero interest in the event itself, but in who would be attending.

her lips that had once held a smile, curved downwards into a slight frown as she noticed the girl beside him.

       the same girl from the other night.

       she immediately looked away, and disappointment settled right back in. she took too long to realize her feelings. she had no right to feel upset, maybe he was done waiting.

the ceremony went on, a few awkward glances were exchanged before it was time for the party to begin. Bell wasn't normally a fan of these things, but she had Kitty with her so it wasn't too bad.

"who's the girl?" Bell couldn't help herself. Kit rolled her eyes, a smirk on her lips as she knew exactly what Logan's little tactic was. "with Logan? it's Bethenny — real airhead, that one."

Bellamy hummed, nodding her head as she took in the information. "she's been around a lot?"

"listen kid, you've gotta talk to him" Kitty sighed, her eyes widened, "speaking of . . i'm gonna go get a drink"

"wait, don't l—"


she winced in surprise, feeling him close in on her from behind before she turned to face him. "hey blondie" she tried her best to act like nothing happened. nothing did happen.

"where have you been? i almost checked Finn into the psych ward a few times, we're going crazy without you" he chuckled. Bellamy let out a laugh, feeling like there was truth to his statement.

"i've been busy . . ." she answered, fiddling with her fingertips. "i've been helping my dad out with my baby sister Gigi . ."

he nodded.

"so Bethenny told me you swung by the apartment the other day? why didn't you stay?"

he watched as her body language changed from a slightly relaxed state, to extremely uncomfortable at the mention of Bethenny and his apartment.

"well . . you seemed busy. she looked like she'd been .  . busy." ( her bra was halfway on ). he caught her drift, and hummed. "you seem upset, why do you seem upset?"

      she furrowed her eyebrows and shook her head.

      "i'm not upset"

      "really? your face says otherwise. say what's on your mind" he said. she shook her head again, "there's nothing on my mind." she told him.

      "really? nothing? cause i find it odd that since that night you've been avoiding me like the plague—" she let out a short scoff, "i haven't been avoiding you."

      he raised one eyebrow, "not responding to my messages or calls sounds like you're avoiding me, i just would like the decency of knowing why."

      "well i'm not avoiding you."

      he wanted to laugh, "you know i can tell when you're lying." she looked down at her feet, wanting to look anywhere but his eyes. "i'm not lying."

      "you are. honestly it kind of seems like you're jealous."

      "jealous?" she let out a laugh, "you should take on stand up comedy. you'd be really good at it." he just wanted her to be honest. he needed her to be honest.

      "you saw Bethenny in my apartment, and you've been avoiding me ever since — that sounds like jealousy to me."

      she rolled her eyes, even though he was completely correct. and that aggravated her to no end. "so what if i am?"


      he raised his eyebrows, she finally admitted to it. "tell me what you want" he said. he wanted to beg, beg her to give them a chance. but he couldn't do that, he had to see how she truly felt.

      she shook her head. this was it, and it was happening way too fast. she was scared.

      "Bellamy, tell me what you want."

      it was time.

      this was her chance.

      "you. i want you."

     "then i'm yours."

woah lmfoaosodjwjwjiwiiwidkkinda hated this but oh welllove uxox

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kinda hated this but oh well
love u

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